Turtle Pictures PAGE-1

NON-COPYWRITE NOTICE:   All photographs contained on this page are hereby Released into the Public Domain. You may copy, use, distribute, publish, sell, or alter them without consent of Roger Louie, the creator of these photos. It is the authors wish to have these photographs help others to learn about the American Box Turtle species, but this is not a requirement for their use or redistribution.

My male Three-toed Box turtle called 'T1'.

Another view of 'T1'.

My male/female? Three-toed Box turtle called 'T2'.

My female Three-toed Box turtle called 'T3'.

Another view of 'T3'.

Turtle 'T1' (male) mating with 'T3' (female) in the backyard. The male is on top, which is standard operating procedure for turtles! This position is not the 'final' position of the male during mating. That final position involves the male 'hooking' it's hind claws into the females hind leg shell openings. Once the males hind claws are hooked into the female, the male actually leans backwards, past the vertical position (past 90 degree angle). From the books that I've seen, this angle is about 120 degrees. One of these days I will try get a picture of this with my turtles.

This page Edited/Updated:   04-12-98   7:30 PM

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