Roger Stoklas's 'Paco'
(Male Three-Toed Box Turtle)

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These photographs were submitted by Roger Stoklas of Southern California for your enjoyment. His quantity 3 'Three-Toed' box turtles live in his backyard, in an enclosed pen so that they can not escape. Notice the brilliant yellow coloration on the forelimbs. It is said that male turtles are 'brighter' and more colorful than females (related to mating/best selection). This turtle is definitely more colorful than Roger's other turtles. Roger told me that Paco escaped from his living area somewhere in the middle of 1998, and that he was free to roam his local neighborhood for a number of weeks. Eventually Roger found Paco at a nearby tree, which I'm sure was a welcome occasion!

This page Edited/Updated:   09-16-98   10:30 PM

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