Welcome to the 'personal' page for St. Celia's Web, named in honor of St. Cecilia, patron saint of music and musicians.
Below you will find links to places I like and items of personal interest.
Visit St. Celia's Corner to hear and download MIDI files of hymns and classical tunes -- or my own tunes at my IUMA jukebox. For computer-oriented links like CAMS, MOVie files, and cool home pages, please visit St. Celia's Web.

Places Near and Dear to my Heart
Montana was my birthplace. Here is a daily CAM shot from there. Below are some of the places I have lived since then.
Our family moved to Livermore, California, where I was raised. Livermore is the often "unknown" town in California wine country.
California State University, Chico (CSUC) is located inland, about four hours north of San Francisco, not too far from the Sacramento River. Take a photographic tour of campus, or read the campus newspaper. If you ever have a chance to stroll through campus alongside the creek, or bicycle through Bidwell Park, your life will be complete.
Stanford University! The "Harvard of the East" (or is it "The Disneyland of the North??" I can never remember...). I worked, studied, and lived near Stanford, California for several years. Here's the Stanford Daily campus newspaper, and here is the Stanford University Alumni Registry.
Another favorite spot is Santa Barbara, in Southern California, one of the most ideal locations anywhere: warm, sunny, palm trees and ocean breezes.... The University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) is near the ocean; some students can see the Pacific from their dorm room windows. Some of the coolest music going on there can be found at CREATE, headed by JoAnn Kuchera-Morin. Find out what's going on with the UCSB faculty and staff too.
San Jose has much to see and do, and the San Jose Mercury is one of the best newspapers in the country.
Nowadays you can find me in Cincinnati, Ohio. After several years living here, I believe that Cincinnati has to be the undisputable food and drink capital of the world, if only because people here love to eat, drink, and talk about food.
Oktoberfest 1999 is over, but Oktoberfest 2000 will be the best yet! In the meantime, hear the Chicken Dance at Oktoberfest at St. Celia's Corner.
Fun Places to Visit
In California, some of the many attractions I've enjoyed include Marine World-Africa USA in Vallejo, the Grass Valley-Nevada City area, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the Winchester Mystery House, and the San Diego Zoo. And, of course, Disneyland!
Vancouver, Canada is one of the most spectacular cities I've seen. Here's what Vancouver looks like (photo taken by a Kodak employee). Visiting Stanley Park, taking a ferry to Victoria, or just enjoying the city itself, are just a few of the many things you can do there.
Taipei, Taiwan is a beautiful city. I once visited for a month and had a good, very interesting time. The people I met there, school children on field trips, people walking down the street or who worked in shops and markets, were absolutely wonderful. I hope you will go there too someday.
Gatlinburg, Tennessee is nestled in the Great Smoky Mountains. You can find some beautiful places to enjoy nature, or you can shop 'til you drop!
Coffee! Coffee!! Coffee!!!
I love coffee! Even when I'm not drinking it, I love the aroma of coffee brewing... In case you have just drunk your last drop and haven't gotten up to pour a refill yet, here is a coffee machine via coffee CAM.... Wondering about the mud you just slurped down? Here are the answers to frequently asked questions about the stuff! And, if you're still not awake, here is Majestic Turkish Coffee!!
Here are some links for coffee roasters:
Peet's in the San Francisco bay area, my all-time favorite coffee.
The Roastery Development Group, also based in the San Francisco bay area.
Roasters on the Hill, Washington, D.C.
Here is a Web page devoted to coffee. And just to balance things out, here's a page entitled "Why I hate coffee bars"....
Interests of All Kinds
Canoeing is a lot of fun! See Steve's Canoe Homepage for great links and photos. In the Cincinnati area, see Morgan's Canoe link.
Model trains. You can run this one with your computer mouse.
I love the computer and the places you can go with it. Here is a nice listing of cameras around the world on The Ultimate Camera Page courtesy of Szymon Krasucki.
I also love creating Web pages. You can hear and download my MIDI files on St. Celia's Corner. On St. Celia's Web are some links to graphics, Web tools, and information for creating your own page. To find cool graphics like the drop-cap letters at the top of this page, see Laurie McCanna's graphics page.
Flowers add simple beauty to our lives. The free Burpee Catalog can be requested here so you can order seeds to grow your own.
Home & Garden Television. Say hello and sign the guest book!
Follow this link for the official Episcopal Church pages, and click here for more (unofficial) information about the Episcopal Church. Also, see St. Philip's Church in Northside, Ohio, where I play organ.
You can find a comprehensive collection of Christian art at Christus Rex. You can find images of many saints at Roger S's Images web page (with thanks for the image of St. C). There are many images on The Christian Webmaster too. And if you need Help (with a capital H), you can leave a prayer to St. Jude, if you're so inclined.
See you again soon! Don't forget to write....or send a postcard (mostly art and science), or beautiful greeting cards for all occasions!
And remember...we may only pass this way but once -- so make a bookmark!
This page was updated on August 27, 2000.