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St. Celia's Web
Welcome! Here you'll find a variety of links: WebCams around the USA and the world, graphics and resources for your Web page, unusual music links, cool home pages, and some things that make life fun or even more fun.
Please take a moment to visit Nuerenberg, Germany, then check out the links below.
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The CAMS I like the best are views of outdoors with a live or often-refreshed image. Here are a few of them. If you have any favorite CAM locations, please let me know.
Wild Birds Unlimited Feeder Cam from near Indianapolis, Indiana
Sapporo, Japan - really nice image!
Virtual Yosemite - also check out the scenic view photos
The Big Sky Cam and the Bozeman (Montana) Daily Chronicle newsroom
Helena, Montana Airport Tower Cams
The BeachCam at Venice, California
Antarctica, courtesy of Mawson Station
Cincinnati, Ohio courtesy of WCPO Channel 9 SkyCam
Cincinnati, Ohio as seen from the Kentucky side of the Ohio River (takes a while to load)
Main Street in picturesque Wayne Township, Ohio, from the Fire Department webcam
ISMI's Howell, Michigan Webcam -- a very nice, very live, view from downtown.
Nashville, Tennessee (courtesy of Channel 5 SkyCam)
The World Trade Center in New York City
Two views from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Geneva, Switzerland.
Courthouse Square in West Virginia - the view updates every 45 seconds
Manhattan Skyline as seen from the Empire State Building
The Amazing Waterlily Cam, from a backyard pond in Portland, Oregon
The Hollywood Sign. Only visible during daylight hours. Have the letters been rearranged or decorated lately? Check it out and see...
San Francisco, my favorite city in the world, as seen from the Wax Museum in Fisherman's Wharf. Nothing like this sight to make a transplanted Bay Area resident homesick! All I need now is a copy of The San Francisco Chronicle with my morning coffee....
Train station at Ilmala in Helsinki, Finland
Another view of Finland, at the Russian border
University of Tromso, Norway CAM, a pretty view and the weather report
An indoor link I can't resist, mainly because of Roscoe the Cat's engaging personality and good looks. See him here at his best!
Just one more indoor link.... The Human Ant Farm from Absolut Vodka. Here's what we look like day in and day out....
CAM Collections:
Some of the CAM links here came from the following lists, some I found myself. Though I personally prefer outdoor views, there are many listings for indoor and other CAMS in the following directories.
Visit Eye on the World - Web Cams and go just about anywhere!
Leonard's Cam World, a terrific resource for international and US cams.
The Ultimate Camera Page from Szymon Krasucki. A great overall world view.
IPA Weather Links-Weather Cams -- good links, but some are outdated.
Tommy's List of Live Cam Worldwide. A great list; includes top news stories, etc. Takes a while to load but worth it!
The World Right Now, from Olivetti.
QuickTime MOVies are cool! You can download QuickTime viewers for Windows or Macintosh here, to watch these:
Alanis Morrissette's Home Page, which includes videos for downloading.
Television Exhibit Gallery -- has clips of old television shows.
The WAV Place. Great sounds from TV, films and cartoons...if you don't see a sound you want, they'll try to find it for you.
Chat software...mIRC is one of the most popular. It's shareware. If you like it, send Khaled his shareware fee! ICQ (I Seek You) is chat software with some cool features.
Starting Point. Excellent search and link information - make a bookmark!
Microsoft's Technical Support page.
PC Computing Magazine.
Wired Magazine.
Windows Magazine Online.
Understanding the WWW. History of the Internet and information on the Web, how it came about, how it's structured and just about anything you could think of to ask about it.
Composing Good HTML. Guidelines that can come in handy as you work on your web page
The Web graphics and tools used to create this page are listed in the Credits section.
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet, terrific resource for genealogy or adoption searching.
The World EMail Directory. Register or search now!
Northern Light search engine; more results on searches!
Infoseek, an excellent, easy-to-use search tool.
DejaNews for what's happening on Usenet groups.
Alta Vista Simple Query (Main Page) or Alta Vista Advanced Query.
WebCrawler. Go to the 'Special' section for lots of nifty features.
InfoSpace People Search US.
Four11 White Page Directory.
Yahoo Search. You can find what's new and what's cool at Yahoo, too!
Switchboard. Good for finding people.
Metasearch will search several sources with one string. Nice!
Foreign Languages for Travelers can assist you with over sixty languages, from Afrikaans to Zulu!
I have also had occasion to use the English-Finnish dictionary. Let me know about any other Web dictionaries you've discovered.
Uncertain about your high-tech future? See what's in the cards at the Silicon Valley Tarot Page - very cool! You can also buy a set of the cards to have and to hold....
There's always the Magic 8-ball. Ask it anything... oops, reply hazy...try again later.
If you're interested in ancient oracles, try the I Ching.
Parent Soup Baby Name Finder.
Daily Horoscope from InfoSpace Search Tools.
Krazy Kat Links Page.
The WirkShop and FunStuff Studios. Check out Harold's neat caricatures and artwork!
The Disney Fast Food Toys Home Page. Nice collection! I'm envious...(sigh!)
Mirsky's Drunk Browsing Test is back!
Madame Fortune. See what Madame predicts for your future...
Lottery America!! Find out if that Powerball ticket you bought while driving through Kentucky will enable you to retire. Lottery results from all over the U.S.
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. What more can I say??
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