Scout Troop 780
Welcome to Troop 780's Home Page!
We are Girl Scout Troop 780 from Mukwonago, Wisconsin. We
have five 5th grade Juniors and four 7th grade Cadettes in our troop this year. We
are part of the Great Blue Heron Girl Scout Council and in the Woodland Trails Service
Junior Troop Members

Stephanie Kim
Hi my name is Elyse. I have been a girl scout
since 2nd grade.We are learning how to do computer tecnology.
Hi my name is
Stephanie! I have been in Girl Scouts since 1 st grade. We are having a lot of fun.
Hi! My name is
Katelyn.I think that girl scouts is fab. If you aren't in girl scouts I really encourage
you to . you get to do all the activities that you want to do. You get to go to the places
that you want to go and help people and jobs.
Hello!! My name is Kim.
I am glad to be in Girl Scouts. We have five Juniors and four cadettes in our
troop. It is lots of fun!!!!!
Hi, my name is Sheri. I'm having lots of fun
in Girl Scouts. We did lots of stuff this year. We have earned a lot of
We usually meet once a month. These meetings
are several hours long and we usually go on field trips to work on different badges or
service projects. This year each girl gets to pick a badge or service project and
then organize and run that meeting or field trip. Some of the badges and service
projects that they are in the process of organizing are:
Road Litter Pick-Up
-- Making a 9-square Quilt -- Junior Citizen Badge
Swimming --
Junior Technology -- Toymaker
These are all wonderful ideas and should be a lot of fun!

Cadette Troop Members
Danielle Erin
As cadettes we do lots of fun crafts and
always have fun! Danielle.
Hi my name is Natalie. I've been a Girl
Scout since Kindergarden. It is a lot of fun you do all sorts of great stuff; including
camping, pet care, hiking, and service projects. I am one of the four girls in troop
Hi my name is Sara. Scince second grade I've been
in Girl Scouts.. This is an awesome troop! If your not in Girl Scouts I would join!
Links to Great Places
Visit our Favorite Links page to see
some of the great sites we have found about Girl Scouting and also links to other troop
We love hearing from other troops about what they have been
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