Hi, my name is Diana. I just wanted to introduce myself to those of you who don’t know me. And to those of you, who do know me, I am sure you are getting tired of looking at the same page over and over again. So here is a new change.
I am still the mother of 3 kids, 3 dogs, 2 birds, a turtle, and with our new addition, now 2 cats. I hope to get some pictures of the entire “Zoo” soon and put them on my page as well, so you will know, who I am talking about.
I have been married for 14 years this past November 19th to the same wonderful man, Leroy. He has been in the US Navy for 18+ years and is near retirement. The Navy has been good to us both and we are dreading as well as looking forward to retirement.
Our dreams of retirement will probably not be met for several more years, because at ages 35 and 33, we still have a whole lot of working years left in us both.
Our oldest child, Stephanie, became a teenager on December 27th. She keeps us very busy with all the sports she is involved in. Leroy even did a web page for her All-Star team this past summer. Her team won the District Championship and did SUPER in Regional. Our second child, William (too old to be called Willie), was 11 on September 21st. He also keeps us on our toes. He likes to read lots and lots of books and is also involved in Little League as well as band in his middle school. He likes to play chess and is actually getting quite good. His favorite things to do are mostly video games. You name it, he’s probably played it. The last of our Little Angels is Lauren. She turned 7 on January 16th. She is our Gulf War Baby. I remember being in the hospital while she was being born watching the news as the war broke out. She will be in her 3rd year of T-Ball this year. She is mostly interested in reading, writing and arithmetic. But she is going to be a heart breaker and has already started. Talk about BOY CRAZY. This one is going to take the toll on me. She already likes to talk on the phone and trades phone numbers with the kids in her class. I don’t mind, so long as she has all her homework done first.
On with my “ZOO”. We have a black-lab/shepard named Pepper. A poodle named Joli and a poodle named Kris Kringle. Our kitty’s are Tiger (female) and Jerry (male). They make a mess out of everything in the house. Especially the Christmas Tree. The turtle is Speedy, although he is not all that fast. And the birds are Sammi, (cockatiel) and Nani, (a quaker). Sammi doesn’t say anything, but you can’t shut Nani up. He knows many words, and seems to practice his vocabulary at the most inopportune time. Mostly he tries to out yell everyone else in the house. If you were to ever knock on my door, you would understand why I call this page, “Welcome to my Zoo”. An on my pets. We lost our newest cat. We found him in the road one morning. We will miss him very much.
I am originally from Ohio, and since meeting Leroy I have lived in Virginia, California, Illinois, South Carolina, and now Texas. Texas is quite warm most of the year. Only about 3 or 4 weeks of really cold weather. Most of my friends on the Internet are jealous. I just tell them move to Texas. Ask anyone, the whole world is in Texas, or at least it’s big enough to hold the whole world.
You should have somewhat of an idea about me now. I would like to thank my Hubby for putting my page together. (He also does other pages, if you are interested). I have a live in Computer Wizard, that upkeeps my page, and the best thing is…I don’t have to pay him.
Check in with me from time to time for updates and new pictures. We have put up a Memorial Page for my Little Sister, Kathy Coulter, who was taken from us on September 10, 1997. Sadly missed by us all. Click HERE to see the memorial. Also, check out my Photo Album by clicking on my family photo.