Welcome To My Homepage

Hello and Welcome !! Come on in, grab your self a cup of coffee or a nice cold coke, and settle back to learn a little, *G* well a lot about me !!! Pull that chair a little closer and relax...(hehe)

Now that you are here let me introduce myself. My name is Maribeth, I never liked it so I go by just plain old Beth. Yeah, yeah ,yeah I can hear you now, "just plain old Beth" Ok, give me a break. You can call me Beth. I guess I shouldn't complain and be thankful my sister was born first,*S* her name is Margaret.(she was named after our grandmaw)..So Maribeth doesn't sound so bad after all.*G* (sorry sis) and all you Margarets out there !! I'm Not sure where the name Maribeth came from. I think out of a book mom was reading. :-)

I was born in Apalachicola,Fl. The oyster capitol of the world. My dad was a commercial fisherman and I always enjoyed going out on his shrimp boat, oh what memories, but oh what a smell.*G* I'm the baby,(ha ha)of 4 children. Mike, Wayne, Margaret(Pegi) and myself. I'm not really sure why we left Florida but when I was about 9 we moved to Freeport,Tx. We survived hurricane Carla but mom and dad didn't survive the rough life of commerical fishing. They divorced and Mom packed up and moved us to Beaumont,Tx. When we first moved to Beaumont we lived on 23rd Street and I went to Austin Jr. High. The we moved again, this time on Buffalo and I had to change schools. So now I was at Bowie Jr. High. Those were great times and I was even class sweetheart! I started dating and life was changing. I had a lot of friends and one introduced me to where Mike. He had a motorcycle and I thought that was so cool. I was 15 and he just 17. We thought we had it all and knew it all. I was 15 and I had all the answers. I was "IN LOVE". Well, that love got me pregnant at 16. SO in May of '67, while I was in my sophmore year at French, we were married and our family sent us to live in Houston and let me tell you I was scared to death "for someone who had all the answers" I didn't know what pregnant was. Yeah, I knew I was having a baby, but pregnant.???. As time wore on our families accepted my pregnancy and we moved back to Beaumont.and OH... how WONDERFUL that was.

Micheal was born in Sept. I was 17 years old. Boy, did my life change. Wow ...I was a mother. I had to grow up fast... Michael was a joy, he was such a good baby. I guess I was very lucky...cause, by the time I was 19, I had 3 children. Sheri was born in Feb. and Teri in Dec. Yep, the same year. It was like having twins. I thought that I had learned what caused "that", but I got pregnant again and at 21 I misscarried. What a unjust word "misscarried" I had lost a baby, a part of me. Did I do something wrong? Why me?(sigh)
But I had 3 wonderful children to think about now....I could write a book on the life of my children and some day I just might.(couldn't we all)... Kids do and say the darnest things.*S* Life was never dull around our house. I had my hands full with 3 little ones running around...... But it seems like over night they grew up. ...

Oh.... don't let this fool you, My life has been very hard. But I've learned a lot along the way. For one, I could not of made it had it not been for my children. Yeah, they gave me hell, and my marriage wasn't the best and had little help raising the kids. They were not perfect. Those teenage years (sigh) oh my!!!! But we lived through them. A little wiser maybe and just a few scars.*S* I'm very proud of my children, they have grown up to be good parents, so maybe they did learn something along the way.*G*. And second, without my friends, my life would of been very empty.

Gosh, my coffee is cold. I didn't realize I have been "talking" so much. Thank you for stopping by, my door is always open. I hope to be adding tid bits about my life, the ups and downs, the good and bad, the happy and sad, so come back and visit soon. . Come back and visit again soon, I am always changing things around !! (I'll even fix your cup of coffee next time)
Well, I guess I haven't keep up with too much of my life on here. Things have really changed for me. In April of '99 I walked out of my marriage. I wont go in to the nasty details. But I knew it was time to leave, for mysake! I moved to Beaumont, (in '03 got divorced!) and have had a blast doing the FHS Website and being President of the Alumni Association.( founded in '99 by Kent and myself). Life goes on, we have all moved on.
I am now a very proud grand mother of 8 and GREAT GRAND mother to 8.
Yes life does go on...... My love to all *S*

Be sure to visit my new French High School Online Class Reunion Page

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