April Fools !!
- This is too cool...play a great joke one someone !! make headline news !!!

Insects As Food !!
- Insect recipes you might not want to try !!

Mr Bubbles !!!  
- Fun with bubbles. Great ways to keep the kids entertained for hours!!

Virtual Presents !!!
- Send some one a "cooked meal" or a new "living room suit" Yeah it's just post cards with a fun twist !!

Yucky !!!
- A real yucky site for kids....fun stuff!!

Unsolved Mysteries !!!
- Not wacky but very entertaining !!!

Find a Grave !!
- Ever wonder where you favorite movie star was buried? Well check this out

Mr.Applehead !!!
- Move over, Mr. Potato Head !! now there is Mr Apple Head !!

The Band-Aid Applet !!
- The kids will love this one !!! "don't touch my boo boo"

Magic Eye!!
- These are great...took me forever to learn how to see them !!!

How to keep an idiot busy !!
- This one you have to send to your friends *S*..

Totally Absurb !!
- Way out inventions....must see the duck decoy blind *S*..