Text or banners appearing above may not necessarily reflect the interests or opinions of any member of the board of directors of Caring for the Caregiver, Jackie's Chapter
Caring for the Caregiver,
Jackie's Chapter
On 4 March, 1994 Jackie Runge, RN died in her home after an extended battle with cancer. Those that knew Jackie all recognized her as a caregiver committed to tending to the wants and needs of others.

To honor Jackie for her life of service to others a fund called "CARING FOR THE CAREGIVER, 'JACKIE'S CHAPTER'" has been established.

This fund has been established to help carry on Jackie's caring spirit. The purpose of Caring for the Caregiver, Jackie's Chapter is to provide funds and other types of support to address the individual needs (physical, emotional, and spiritual) of the caregivers of Venango County (Pennsylvania).

One wish we have for this organization is for it to become a NATIONWIDE/WORLDWIDE fund. We would like to plant seeds throughout the United States and/or the world. This is a large undertaking, however, after seeing what can be accomplished by a small band of truly devoted individuals, maybe it is not so large as first thought.
Facts about Caring for the Caregiver.
All members of Caring for the Caregiver, Jackie's Chapter serve on a voluntary basis. Not one of the members receives any monetary renumeration (other than reimbursements for expenditures).
All donations are given to Venango County Caregivers.
Operating expenses are paid thru fund raisers held throughout the year.
Needs met:

1994: $5,777.74 (10 Caregivers)
1995: $5,821.16 (20 Caregivers)
1996: $5,594.34 (20 Caregivers)
1997: $7,052.56 (31 Caregivers)
1998: $5,764.28 (29 Caregivers)

Total needs met 1994 thru 1998: $29,010.08 (110 Caregivers)
Operating expenses:

1994: $1,343.10
1995: $1,719.47
1996: $1,838.98
1997: $2,165.46
1998: $2,198.69

Total Operating Expenses 1994 thru 1998: $9,264.70

They have the spirit
Because they care
They have the spirit
Because they give.

Their positive energy
Touches us,
And gives us light
In the darkness,
Hope and kindness
In our time of need.

We thank them
For their spirit.
We thank them
For their light.

-- Robbyn Elaine
What is a Caregiver?

What is a caregiver? Webster defines the word as "a person who provides direct care (as to children or the chronically ill)". This is an excellent definition of the word, but what is missing from this description?

Consider the following:
1. A professional RN that stays at the hospital with a 16 year old boy with cancer
at night after her shift is done, because he is afraid of dying alone. Not one
night but for more than a week.
2. A man cares for his dying wife, ignoring the fact that he also has cancer, but
still remains at her side until she is called home.
3. A man holds his wife's hand as she is dying and tells her to let go, she has
fought hard enough.
4. A woman, crippled with arthritis, provides care for her husband who is
gravely ill, ignoring the pain to herself.
5. A woman that cradles her 6 month old child, his head misshapen from the
brain tumor that is slowly killing him, singing him lullaby's.

Sad stories everyone, but also true stories of people right here in Venango County. Stories of true heroism, also stories of true love. I believe that is what is missing from Websters' definition, it should read a person who provides direct care (as to children or the chronically ill), one who loves another.

It is these people that we, the members of Caring for the Caregiver, Jackie's Chapter, salute and hope to help.
If you would desire more information on Caring for the Caregiver, Jackie's Chapter, please write to the address below:

Caring for the Caregiver, Jackie's Chapter, Inc.
P.O. Box 296
Seneca, PA 16346