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When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. John 19:30
Work Information
I work at UPMC Northwest, which is part of the UPMC Health Systems.
Contact Information
Biographical Information
Born and raised in Pennsylvania. Birthdate - 11/06/55.
Personal Interests
Building a better relationship with God.
Kids of all ages
My children
Church of The Nazarene
Past member of the Board of Directors of Caring For The Caregiver, Jackie's Chapter
Past member of the Board of Directors of The American Cancer Society
Hospice Volunteer for Venango County Visiting Nurses Association
Caring for the Caregiver, Jackie's Chapter Creation is a christian music festival
Fathers Love Letter - I recommend checking this one out. - an excellent source for online bibles - My first mission trip (9/1/2001 thru 9/18/2001)
A word from Ferd
The passage quoted above is one of the passages that really grabs me and shakes me whenever I read it. It is at this point that Jesus had paid for our sins, His job on this earth was finished. Thanks to Jesus, I can lay claim to my own 'homepage' in heaven.

When I think of how God not only put His son on the cross for us, but had him born into this mortal world for just that purpose, I really cannot comprehend the love He has for us. I try to put myself in His place, thinking of my own children. Would I put one of my children in a position where the only way they can win is to die, or would I put one of my children in a position where the only way they could save even one other person, was to die.  Could I do that?? I don't think I could.
Some that knew me would say that I would never see heaven, that I had better plan for eternity in a, ah, shall we say, warmer climate, but this is another beauty of the above passage. Even a sinner such as I can lay claim to a piece of heaven, by accepting what Jesus gave us when He said "It is finished.
Take care my friends, if you don't have a personal relationship with our Lord, I recommend starting one soon! It is an extremely rewarding, vital relationship. A relationship with a LIVING God!
Last Revised:
18 July, 2006
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