Rodolfo Edison Guerra's


This page is under construction. If you have any question or suggestion please send me an e-mail. I can read and reply in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Also you can sign my Guestbook below.......... Esta página está en construcción. Si tienes alguna pregunta o sugerencia, por favor envíame un e-mail. Puedo leer y responder en inglés, español y portugués. También puedes dejar tu comentario en mi libro de firmas.......... Esta página está sendo construida ainda. Se você tiver alguma pergunta ou sugestão, por favor mande-me um e-mail. Eu posso ler e responder em inglês, espanhol e português. Você pode deixar o seu comentário em meu livro de assinaturas.........

Welcome to my Homepages. Here you can find several informations about me, photos, programs, links, ZX Spectrum stuff, and my new site about Mecano.
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Contact Information

Photo Album


 Sinclair ZX Spectrum





Comments and Suggestions:

This page is under construction.
If you have any question or suggestion please send me an e-mail. I can read and reply in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Also you can sign my Guestbook below.

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© 1997-2002 by Rodolfo Edison Guerra - All rights reserved worldwide
Last Update: June 22th, 2002
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