Once apon a time, in the land of Ozark, was a mighty kingdom.
The king, King Karl, was a just and gentle ruler. Since his ascension
to the thrown, peace and prosperity had flourished throught the land.
The King had two sons,
Prince William and Prince David.
When they were younger, they were the best of friends.
Unfortuneatly, as they grew older they began to compete with
one another. First for Fathers affection, then the love of a
princess, and finally, the kingdom itself. A horrible war had
broken out. The entire kingdom was consumed in flames.
The war raged on for many moons with no end in sight.
Until one day, Prince David, won an important victory over
his brother. Sadder still was the loss of Prince William to
the kingdom.
Prince David had ended the savage war and brought peace
back to Ozark.For this he and his subjects were very happy.
Peace would reign on in Ozark for many moons.
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