Kim and Sam are the happiest couple in the world... ( and if you don't agree, don't tell us, we wouldn't believe you anyway!) We love the Eagles (Sam) and the Packers (Kim), bowling, our kids and watching "Friends" re-runs... and, of course, Pinky and the Brain.
Kim and Sam
(Kim is the one without the beard)
Bryan will be 7 in January, and is in the 1st grade. (Are we bragging if we tell you he is in the gifted program?... if we are... too bad!) He likes video games, sports, and Power Rangers. Michelle is 8 1/2 , in 3rd grade, and lives her life completely in Spice World... she loves, Loves, LOVES the Spice Girls, the color pink, and Barbies.
Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here
(Bryan, Marky, Courtney, Kim, Sam, and Michelle)
Michelle and Bryan