Welcome To Teri's Doggie House Bark! Bark!
Hi Everyone! My name is
teri and i am a very special puppydog.My mommy and daddy
picked me out special and rescued me from the animal shelter
which made my day very happy.I was rescued back in april on
a saturday but was so unhappy i didnt get to go home with
my new family.I had to wait till tuesday so i could go to
the vets and get a clean bill of health and also get shots.
I am so happy now and love my new family especially my good
buddy samantha even though i get frustrated sometimes when
she bugs me too much..As soon as my mom gets the film to
the store and developed i will be able to put my picture on
my homepage.I am a mixed toy terrier,black and white and i
like to chase bikes and people of course inside of my fence.
LOL Glad you stopped by please come back and check for
anything new added...Thanks Bark! Bark!
Hi finally got a picture of our new addition to the family.We rescued Teri from the animal shelter.Teri is a mixed toy terrier and very camera shy so we were lucky to get this picture hopefully we can get a better one later.
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