This page is dedicated to the memory of my Father and my Sister.
My Sister Rebecca passed away at the tender age of three.It was a not a kind disease that took her life.The name of this disease is ensyplilitis ( known as the sleeping disease)If you have ever seen the movie The Awakening you will understand this disease more.I remember my sister as if it was yesterday.I was four when i lost her but we were so very close and played together always.Two weeks after my sister passed away my sister susie was born and i had a bitter resentment towards her for replacing my sister and it carried into our childhood but now we are closer than ever but there is still a ache and a piece of my heart missing even to this day for becky who passed away august 15th 1956.
I lost my Father at a time when a young girl is going into young womanhood.I had him for 14 years but the emptiness and missing him will always be here for me.My Father died February 12th,1967 and the month will always be gray for me.It was a gray and troubled times for me,my sister and my brother growing up.We all three went our own ways and grieved seperately instead of together as did our mother.As the oldest I took on the role as mother/father and tried to keep the homefires burning which was hard and my siblings fought it all the way.
I do have to say we did have our father for awhile but missed out on so much as we grew up and my children never knew their grandfather.My father was a hard worker and took care of his family and really loved life.My Father was in the Navy during the last part of World War II so of course we grew up with the War Stories and he ran our home like a ship.These are my memories and I wanted to be able to share with other people who have experienced the same loss that i have.Making this Memory page does really help a little to fill in the empty spaces in my heart.I would really like to hear from all who has lost a loved one and thankyou for stopping by.
In Memory of the Children And Teacher/ And in Honor of the Wounded and Their Families of Littleton Colorado April 20, 1999.
The Banner below is a must see for everyone.Bea and her Family went through alot last year and are truly amazing and strong people and I admire them alot.Please go and visit Bea's Homepage about her son Simon and what she has done after his passing on into Heaven.
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