
Hi Everyone! This page is dedicated to my favorite causes.My number one that is near and dear to my heart is the Kidney Foundation. My son had a viral infection which attacked his kidneys so he has been on diayalis for almost two years now and its been really rough but thanks to his loving father and my husband he will be getting a transplant from his father the sixth of august. What more can a parent do but give your child the gift of life!!!! For those of you that have been here before i have an update on my sons transplant.I know it has been four months but it has been quite hetic around here.The transplant was a success and both my hubby and son are doing well and they are both back at work.Its just unbelievable what can be done in this world today.My hubbys kidney the moment it was placed in my son took right off and the color came right back into my sons face. My husband is my hero and angel for the unselfish thing he did for our son.

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I would like to Say Thankyou very much to the ladies of I Believe in Angels for giving me the award for featured site of the week.

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I would like to Say Thankyou very much Gale for the two Most Beautiful Awards i have ever received and will treasure them always.Please go and visit Gale's homepages they are very pretty and enjoyable.
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