


Hi and Welcome to the Granny Busters!!!!!!!! What is a granny buster? A granny buster is a women who is older than dirt...LOL What is considered older than dirt???Well guess it would have to be ladies who are 40 and older that are grandmas..Or in cases where you become a grandma younger than 40.This page is dedicated to the ladies who are a part of the Women on the Weigh and especially to the Team that i am a part of named of course Granny Busters...We may be grannys but we sure dont look like grannys when you think of the word granny you see a lady with gray hair in her rocker but not in this day and age we grannys look pretty good.Please come back and visit as i will be adding more as time permits.I am also dedicating this page to grandparents who are raising their grandchildren or caring for them while their parents are working.We live in a different world than we or our parents,where both parents have to work and the expense of daycare is not affordable..Please check back often as I will be adding more.

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Grandma's On The Internet
You won't believe the nuts she's met!!
But what she'd really like to know
Is where are those who quilt and sew
And do the things she likes to do?
She'd give them hints, and learn some too.
She used to be "scared" of a wee little mouse.
Would scream if one ever
got in the house.
Now she hugs one night and day .

She'd rather cuddle it than stay
On the couch and watch t.v.
Her first love now is her webtv
She'd like to see it all unfurled
So much to learn in this new world.

She could explore it from her chair
But mostly, she plays solitaire
But that's o.k. she doesn't care
About the weather in Zaire.
Windows were glass she'd
wash and look >>>through
Now they are programs to help her view
The earth and the sea
and the beautiful sky

A virus was something from which you could die
Now it's a nuisance
that could spoil your day,
But it can be fixed and sent on its way.
She served her time with diaper and dishes,
Now she can do whatever she wishes.
And if that means staying up half the night
To point arrows at
icons-that's really alright.

A bit was something you had little of,
Now it takes eight bytes to make the above
It's all so confusing,
it >>>makes her head ache.
A byte was something you take from a cake.
She's learning more about it now
Her four year old grandchild showed her how.




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