The Dennis Dispatch
February 5, 2003
We thank you for your prayers for several items. Karis Elliott, prospective teacher, now only lacks 22% of her support. It had been 35%. We had mentioned needing her desperately and that is no exaggeration. Please pray or even consider a gift or support for this fine young woman who has taught at Fortaleza Academy short-term and proven her invaluable abilities.
During our regional business meeting in January, Bruce was elected to the position of School Director for the 2003-2004 school year. It is not a position he desires but because of lack of available, experienced christian school administrators, he is having to take the position. The former director has requested to leave the position after 18 years to dedicate more time to his church planting. Please pray for a qualified school administrator to lead Fortaleza Academy in the future.
This will put a very heavy load on Bruce, as we are so desperate for teachers. He will also need to teach four classes besides administrate. Perhaps you know of a qualified teacher who would consider a year of service overseas. Pray for needed teachers.
We thank you for your prayers for the Coaçu Congregation. The children’s classes are growing at the congregation and we are desperate for more space. The men have plans drawn up for a classroom building that will also feature a parsonage on the second floor. Funds were generously donated to purchase supplies for the first phase of building. Because the work is volunteer, it’s moving a bit slower than we like. Also, the rainy season has begun and that slows construction.
The mother church was able to call a new pastor. He is to be officially installed on February 8.
English Club begins a new semester on February 8. We were disappointed at the end of last semester that no decisions of salvation had been made. During a planning meeting in January with the leaders, we discovered that a young man had made a decision in a church service the week after English Club ended. It was because of what he had learned about Jesus and the Bible in our studies. Please pray for more salvation decisions this semester.
Rick continues to enjoy his studies at the Master’s College. He is planning to lead a ministry team to help with the final stages of our classroom building at Coaçu. This group hopes to be here the end of July. We’re excited, and praying that the people from two churches in California and possibly students from Master’s will be able to come. If so, they will be our first stateside guests since we arrived in December 1996. Pray for the planning of this two week ministry trip.
John 17:15 states: “I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one.” This verse was a prayer of mine each day during furlough as the kids went off to public school. It is a prayer even now for the believers we are attempting to train. The world situation is uncertain. No one knows what lies ahead and we must consider how we are preparing these new believers to stand firm against “the wiles of the devil”. There is much work to be done and it seems there is never enough time.
Your prayers are invaluable to us. My grandmother passed away the day before Thanksgiving. She was 96 and eager to see her Savior. But she was a mighty prayer warrior, and we miss her prayer support. We trust others will fill in for her.
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Sept. 4th.