Hello!! I
finally found the time and energy to update our homepage. Life has been keeping me
so very busy.... time has just slipped away.

We are living in
Southern Maryland. Gary is stationed at NAS Pax River. In fact, we are half
way to completing this tour. What does the future hold? Well, when the
decision is finally made, I will let everyone know. The decision has been made.... We are setting down roots in Maryland. Gary retired from the Navy and is now employed at the base. We purchased a home and decided to stay put in one place for a longer period of time than a "Navy Tour". I will update this page in the near future with new pictures and all of our news.... Stay tuned!!

I have made some
changes to this homepage. I am including some of my favorite links, there are
several photo updates, a fun page for kids, and a section on some of my favorite
programs. I hope that all who stop by, will also sign our guestbook and say
hi... click on one of the butterflies below to check out the rest of our Homepage.

I dedicate this
page to my husband Gary, for all the faith and support you have shown me throughout the
years.... and for the love that you have shared with me and our family.

I also would like
to dedicate this page to my Dad and Mom... for all that you have given me and taught me.
I am who I am today because of you.. I love you both very much!!!

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