Welcome to the

Hanson Family*
Home Page


Ring the Doorbell
If no one answers, hit Reload.

  Last updated 2/24/02. Visit some of our other family sites or contact me, Pat Hanson,:

    *By the way, those cute boys that tour the country singing don't live here.
    We do have our own musicians, though, human and otherwise.

    Sirius was bought out several times and we didn't like the newest owner much so we are now using Earthlink and are very happy with their services.

    The family sites below have moved and are being updated. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience. For current information on these sites, contact Stephen Hanson

    Stephen and David Hanson's complete law enforcement references has moved... contact Stephen Hanson

    Web mistress for this site basset3408@PlumDigital.com                          

Please come back again soon!


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