I'm so excited about what God is doing and has done in my life, and I would like to share those experiences with other people. I know that listening to the experiences of others has helped me in my life. Right now there has been a slew of devotionals published by different Contemporary Christian artists and groups. Most of these devotionals are based on their songs, and I would like to show how these songs have touched me. It will be awhile before I can get all of them up, but I'm going to go ahead and put the songs that you can be looking forward to. If you have done something like this on your web page or maybe for a friend, please email me with it so I can put it up. Who knows, maybe your experiences can touch a life too.
Once I get these up, I hope you enjoy them. :) Please be patient as I get these done. Thanks and God Bless!
The last 8 or so months of my life has been nothing but a whirlwind. I finally sat down to update my web page about two weeks ago. Anyway. My plan was to have the devotionals written by Christmas, but obvioulsy it hasn't happened. My personal struggles with sin and my own desire to separate myself from God has been one of the many reasons why this never came to be. Currently, I am attempting to get back on my feet and start walking again with God. Until then, pray for me, and I will pray for you.