This page is just a little about what I have learned from owning my first Shar-Pei. First of all these are just my opinions,from what I have experienced.A very Important fact:Don`t dry your Peibabies blankets or bedding with Downey sheets or Fleecy sheets.This can cause an allergic reaction.Just dry them without.It can also cause there eyes to slam shut. (1)Shar-Pei have allergy`s,mostly they have food allergy`s.They can be allergic to Beef,soya, and cornmeal.I am not saying all are allergic to Soya because my pei are not. (2)I have also found that if they wear a flea collar they will lose there hair around the neck and break out with blisters.So do not use a flea collar of any kind.Safer to use Program (pills) for fleas. (3)And plastic bowls for feeding,no!!!The chemicals in plastic especially with puppies,you add hot water to food to soften and the chemicals come out in the food.And this will also cause blisters. (4)Start your Shar-Pei right away with walking ,so he won`t be the one teaching you.Also start training him or her sit,stay and come command.I have found if you start them very young they learn so fast.After 13 weeks they get there own mind and are harder to train.Still trainable but harder. (5)The best type of collar to use when walking your Pei is like the choke collars but have the material on them,use to be only avalible at dog shows but have found them at Pets Mart.I have found these to be the best for walking Shar-Pei.They can`t back out of them and they won`t hurt them cause of the material. (6)Now this one is everyone`s opinion.I find that with the ears,clean as less as possible.Do not flush and do not clean to often,if cleaned to often the Shar-Pei amunne system will break down and they will get infections.Only clean when nessary,and do not go into the ear just around the outside.If a infections does develope ask your vet for Ottomax.This is the only one I find that works.Also if you give them Yogurt once a day a tablespoon a day or a container once a week this helps keep the yeast down in there ears. (7)Eyes:If you find that your Shar-Pei eyes are swollen or they shut.You can try Benedrly for allergies or you can try Lac-ri-Lube for the eyes.The Lac-ri-lube will lubricate the eyes,sometimes the eyes get a little dry .And this will cause them to close.They sometimes will close due to stress.So you can use the lac-ri-lube if this happens.If you suspect any thing else seak attention at the vets.Might need an eye tacking.This is not Entropion,just a tack to open the eyes rolling back the lids. (8)Amyloidosis;This is a kidney diease,this affects lots of Shar-Pei.This is caused by genetics and Protien.If the parents have died from Kidney failure and have not had a Red Congo Stain,there is no way of knowing that it was Amyloidosis.So if your Shar-Pei is suffering Kidney Failure and passes on Please ask your Vet to have a Red Congo Stain done and if Positive Please let your Breeder know.This is the only way we Know not to breed the parents again.Both parents have to have it in order to pass it on.Some day soon we all hope there will be a test before we breed to find out if or our Shar-Pei have Amyloidosis.Then as a reasponsible breeder we will not breed that Shar-Pei.
(9)I have started useing the Science Diet Natures Best So far my Pei have been on it for 3 months now and no problems. There coats are soft and healthy looking. (10)If you wish more information on health you can visit Vicki McBeths site,she has lots of infromation regarding healthCanadians Shar-Pei
Just Some Information on my Contracts
First of all I have a three year guarantee on all my puppies,this is against Amyloidosis.Amyloidosis is a genetic Kidney Diease for more information on this go to link on first Page.All my puppies will have first shots,dew claws removed,dewormed if need be.And all Micochipped.All registered!! They will come with a booklet with information on the breed and Amyloidosis.And also a Puppy Basket,in the Basket you will find everything you need to start your first couple of days in his or her new home. INCLUDES Steel Bowl 4lb Bag Of Nature`s Best Puppy Food Stuffed Toy Leash Collar Nylabone And a Squeaky Toy And Treats I provide this to all puppies,I find most buyers pick there Puppies up on weekends and sometimes you can`t find these stores open to buy there food or other things buyers might need for there puppies.This way your puppy is eating the same food and won`t get sick or have the runs. If anyone wishes to inquire about my Baskets Avalible please feel free to email me Cindy de Nottbeck
Did you KNow
Fleas Can Be Deadly
Even if your dog doesn't seem bothered by fleas, you still need a flea control program. Any dog that goes outside may be exposed to fleas. And even if Fido doesn't seem bothered, he still may have an allergic reaction to their bites. For dogs who aren't allergic, there's still the problem of chronic long-term blood loss from the fleas' feeding-it's not unusual for small animals to become anemic. In fact, some pets lose so much blood they can die. So be sure to work with your veterinarian to control fleas.
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