11/10/99 09:15:04
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook
jody - 01/28/99 15:29:14
My Email:bakerjod@shu.edu
I'm from EH too, found your page while goofing off in the ICQ-- page is hard to read due to the background
Carla Byrom - 11/24/98 01:13:10
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/destiny1_3/index.html
My Email:cjbyrom@yahoo.com
Hey Nate, really cool page. I hope one day I get as many visitors as you have.
10/02/98 11:56:20
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
John H. Nelson - 08/26/98 16:36:26
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~retajane/a1.html
My Email:microbes@technologist.com
Dear Nate You do great work" I am glade to know you an consider you a very valuabal friend"
Carla - 07/30/98 23:16:18
My Email:Cjbyrom@yahoo.com
Hey Nate I love your web page it has some very interesting things in it. Thanks for sharing it with me. :)
Amber Naegele - 05/29/98 04:26:30
My URL:http://tgarden.com/~matt/
My Email:boomer@tgarden.com
Um...Lets see.... You site is pretty cool I guess... you should put your picture on it though.
On my site Is my picture. But it is actually my bestfriends page.. but it does have my picture..:P