I have a mom, a dad and two brothers. My mom lives nearby and works at Wellesley College and my dad lives in Indiana and works in a hospital (though he's not a doctor!). The older of my brothers is 2 1/2 years younger than me and lives in Indiana with his wife and baby daughter. The younger of my brothers is 8 1/2 years younger than me, lives with my mom, and works for a sprinkler company.
I also have a very large extended family. I have tons of aunts, uncles, and cousins as my mom and dad were both one of six! It would take too long to list them here so I'm not going to. If you are interested, just ask!
When I married Shawn, I inherited the in-laws! I was very lucky because they are not as wicked as all the horror stories I've heard!! Shawn's mom lives only a few minutes from us. He has two older sisters and a younger brother. The oldest of his sisters is cool and I get along well with her. She has two little boys and one baby girl. Shawn's brother is a pain (BG!) but we get along well. He married my cousin on June 2, 2001, and they have two children, a son and a daughter. The four of us get along great and hang out together often.
I will now tell you about my closest friends as they are definitely part of my family too! My life would be, in no way, complete without them!
First, is Maria. We met in 1988 while we were in the 7th grade. She is a terrific person and I could not ask for a greater friend! I tell her all my deepest, darkest secrets and know that they are safe with her. Maria was married June 12, 1999, and she and her hubby have two beautiful little boys.
Next is Jen. Jen and I met when we both began working for McDonald's late in 1993. Jen is the friend I count on to make sure I behave myself. When I took a year off from college, she was the one who kept after me to make sure I went back. She is a terrific friend to me. She graduated from college in May of 2000 and was married October 20, 2001.
Please make sure you visit my Special People page to read about two very special people in my life!
I listen to all kinds of music. My collection includes anything such as Elvis Presley, the Spice Girls, Alanis Morrisette, Tom Petty, Shania Twain, GooGoo Dolls, etc. I am not picky...
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I like any music with a good beat because I LOVE to dance!
Even if I don't do it very well!!
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