Welcome to our web page. Legacy Quarter Horses is a farm in the process of being constructed in NE Indiana. Presently, (and in the photographs above), MWS Seven S Zipper a/k/a Fred is our starter horse. We hope to add to his entourage within the coming year.

Fred is a "Zee" baby, sired by MWS Seven S FlashyZipper, a 1993 Congress Versitility Champion. Zee passes on to all of his offspring, his wonderful, quiet and willing disposition. We are sold on the bloodline. The intelligence and love that these horses possess, makes horse ownership a wonderful experience.

Our farm also includes Jesse, a 1 year old female doberman. She is our "rescue" puppy. She was in a pen with 11 other puppies that were unloved, unfed and dying. She is now a strapping 80 pound lap dog who is very loving and grateful. Additionally, we have Mocha, Frank, Winnie and Pooh...our cat population. Mocha is a black persian female who, unfortunately is quite the little producer. She is adding to our new population yearly (thus, Winnie and Pooh). Frank, on the other hand is a siamese rescue kitten who is as ounrey as the day is long.

People population at our home include Mike (the man of the house), Laurie (me, the horse crazy one), Scott (15, a cute sophmore kid), and Kristi (11, and turning just as horse-crazy as mom).