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*Branches* #1 MacAdams Of Craigengillan #2 MacAdams Of Waterheid #3 MacAdams Of Blackwater

*Mottos* #1 Steady As You Go #2 Calm #3 In Hoc Signo Vices

*Battle Cry* Steady As You Go!

*Tartan* Dark Blue & Dark Green

*MACADAMS: COAT OF ARMS* [COAT OF ARMS OF IRELAND & CANADA] The MacAdams of Churchland & later Spring Hall County Clair,Ireland was granted a Coat of Arms known as the MacAdams of Blackwater House. The Arms was confirmed to Thomas Stannard MacAdam of Blackwater. This Arms was used in Canada by an ancestor,Phillip Henry MacAdams. The Arms of Ireland draw their distinction from the MacGregor Arms of Scotland from whence the MacAdams came. Being away from Scottish rule MacAdams began to use the Old Arms of MacGregor again. Here we have a brief description of the [Ireland Arms]: A Cock w/ Cross & Crown on Helmet, A Star & Cross & Mullet across top of Shield, An Oak Tree with roots going down into ground in middle of Shield, A Sword pointing across Shield [from bottom right to top left] toward Crown in left corner. Thus signifying that "Our Roots Point Back To The Crown"

*MACADAMS ANCESTORS* King MacAlpin was the first King of Scotland.He descended from a long line of Kings.Who in turn were descended from the Gaels or the Gaelic. The Gaels got their name from Gaedahl Glas, who was their ancestor. Legend has it that Moses cured him from the bite of a serpent.Gaedahl had a Grandson named Nuil. He was an Instructor in Pharaohs Court. And married Pharaohs daughter,Princess Scotia, whom Scotland was named after.They migrated from Egypt to Scythia [Spain] & to Scotland which later became Ireland.

*MACADAMS OF ALBA & DALRIADA* Before there was a Scotland there was Alba. In this Alba was the Beginnings of Scotland. It covered all of the territory that Scotland covers today. But it was different. There was mob rule and he that ruled did so by the sword. There were Kings of different peoples and Kings of different lands. The MacAdams are descended from a long line of Kings from this Alba [Scotland]. One of the Kings whom the MacAdams are descended from was the first King of the Scots, King Mormacerc, around the year 490 AD.

History of England in Medieval Times Irish and Scotish Royalty ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Descents of famous people from the High Kings of Ireland [Image] * Short history of Ireland * The High Kingship of Ireland Database by Brian Tompsett Regional Irish Kings: * Kings of Munster Database by Brian Tompsett * Kings of Leinster Database by Brian Tompsett * Kings of Thomond Database by Brian Tompsett * Kings of Ailech Database by Brian Tompsett * Kings of Connacht Database by Brian Tompsett * Kings of Desmond Database by Brian Tompsett * Scotland - The House of Alpin * The Scotish Monarchy from 1034-1625 * The Monarchs of Scotland Database by Brian Tompsett * Early Kings of Scotland (Fergus Mor to Robert the Bruce) * Complete Genealogy of Scottish Monarchs * William Wallace (the truth behind the man) * Robert Wallace-Robert the Bruce * Chronology of Robert the Bruce * Notable Dates in Scottish History * Scottish History Page * More about Scottish History (highlander web) * The Principality of Wales Database by Brian Tompsett * Bibliography and suggested reading * James I (The Wisest Fool), King of Scotland and England, 1566-1625, r 1603-1625 (portrait) * James I, King of Scotland, r 1424-1437 (portrait) * James II, King of Scotland, r 1437-1460 (portrait) * James III, King of Scotland, r 1460-1488 (portrait) * James IV, King of Scotland, r 1488-1513 (portrait) * James V, King of Scotland, 1513-1542 (portrait) * Scottish Castle Index ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

*MACADAMS: DESCENDANTS OF KINGS* Lineal Descent of the MacAdams 1. Adam 2. Seth 3. Enos 4. Cainan 5. Mahalaleel 6. Jared 7. Enoch 8. Methuselah 9. Lamech 10. Noah 11. Japhet 12. Magog 13. Baoth 14. Phoeniusa (Fenius) Farsaidh 15. Niul 16. Gaodhal 17. Asruth 18. Sruth 19. Heber Scot 20. Beouman 21. Oghaman 22. Tait 23. Agnan 24. Lamhfionn 25. Heber Glunfionn 26. Agnan Fionn 27. Febric Glas 28. Nenuall 29. Nuadhad 30. Alladh 31. Areadh 32. Deagh 33. Brath 34. Breoghan (Brigus) 35. Bile 36. Milesius (Galamh) of Spain 37. Heremon, 2nd Monarch of Ireland 38. Irial Faidh, 10th Monarch of Ireland 39. Eithriall, 11th Monarch of Ireland 40. Falach (Fallain) 41. Tighearnmas, 13th Monarch of Ireland 42. Eanbrotha 43. Simorgoill 44. Fiachadh Lamhraein, 18th Monarch of Ireland 45. Aongus Ollmuchach, 20th Monarch of Ireland 46. Maoin 47. Rotheachta, 22nd Monarch of Ireland 48. Dein 49. Siorna Saoghalach, 34th Monarch of Ireland 50. Olioll Olchaoin 51. Giallchaidh, 37th Monarch of Ireland 52. Nuadhas Fionnfail, 39th Monarch of Ireland 53. Aodh Glas 54. Simon Breac, 44th Monarch of Ireland 55. Muireadhach (Muredach) Bolgach, 46th Monarch of Ireland 56. Fiachadh Tolgrach, 55th Monarch of Ireland 57. Duach Ladhrach, 59th Monarch of Ireland 58. Eochaidh Buidh 59. Ugaine Mor, 66th Monarch of Ireland 60. Cobthach Caol-bhreagh, 69th Monarch of Ireland 61. Melg Molbhthach, 71st Monarch of Ireland 62. Iarn Gleo-Fhathach, 74th Monarch of Ireland 63. Conla Caemh, 76th Monarch of Ireland 64. Olioll Casfiacalach, 77th Monarch of Ireland 65. Eochaidh Altleathan, 79th Monarch of Ireland 66. Aongus (Aeneas) Turmeach-Teamrach, 81st Monarch of Ireland 67. Enda Egneach, 84th Monarch of Ireland 68. Asaman Eamhnadh 69. Roighean Ruadh 70. Fionnlaoch 71. Fionn 72. Eochaidh Feidhlioch, 93rd Monarch of Ireland 73. Breas-Nar-Lothar 74. Lugaidh Sriabh-n Dearg, 98th Monarch of Ireland 75. Crimthann Niadh-Nar, 100th Monarch of Ireland 76. Feareadach Fionn Feachtnach, 102nd Monarch of Ireland 77. Fiacha Fionn Ola, 104th Monarch of Ireland 78. Tuathal Teachdmar, 106th Monarch of Ireland 79. Felim Rachtmar, 108th Monarch of Ireland 80. Conn Ceadcatha of the Hundred Battles, 110th Monarch of Ireland 81. Art-Ean-Fhear (Art-Enear), 112th Monarch of Ireland 82. Cormac Ulfada MacArt, 115th Monarch of Ireland 83. Cairbre Liffeachair , 117th Monarch of Ireland 84. Fiachadh Srabhteine, 120th Monarch of Ireland 85. Muredach Tireach, 122nd Monarch of Ireland 86. Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin (Eochy Moyvone), 124th Monarch of Ireland 87. Niall Mor of the Nine Hostages,High King of Ireland and Tara,126th Monarch of Ireland 88. Eoghan (Owen) 89. Muredach 90. Fergus Mor MacEarca 91. Donart 92. Eochaidh 93. Gabhran 94. Aedhan 95. Eochaidh Buidhe 96. Donald Breac 97. Donart 98. Aodh (Hugh) Fionn 99. Eochaidh (Eochy) Rinnamail 100. Alpin 101. Cenneth (Kinneth MacAlpin) 102a.'Grioghair' was the 3rd son of King MacAlpin. The name 'Gregor' comes from the name Grioghair. The [MacGregors] descended from King MacAlpin. 102b.Clan Chief George MacGregor is considered to be the 'Father of all [MacAdams]' 102c.Clan Captain George MacGregor 103.The [MacAdams] descended from the MacGregors 104.Adam [MacGregor] MacAdam-the first MacAdam-granted surname, coat of arms,land charters 105.John MacAdam-Assistant to the King of Scotland, Arch Deacon 0f Lismore Cathedral 106.Andrew MacAdam m Elinor Cunningham 107.Quintin of Grimit 108.Gilbert m Marion Blair 109.William m Bessie Fulterton 110.Gilbert m Miss Cunningham 111.Quintin m Janet Crawford 112.Quintin 113.John 114.Quintin of Grimit 115.David of Grimit 116.Alexander of Grimit 117.Alexander 118.Thomas-USA 119.Robert-USA-son of Thomas 120.Henry-USA-son of Thomas Some sources seem to confuse Gaodhal (16) and Milesius (36) and trace one or both to Judah. The Scottish records show a parallel descent from Aongus (66) to Erc, whose son was Fergus (90). They also show a slightly different descent from Fergus (90) to Alpin (100): 90. Fergus Mor MacErc 91. Domangart (Donart, Dongard) I 92. Gabhran 93. Aidan (Aedhan) 94. Eochaidh Buidhe 95. Donald (Domnall) Breac 96. Domangart (Donart, Dongard) II 97. Eochaidh II 98. Eochaidh III 99. Aodh Fionn (Aed Find) 100. Eochaidh IV (Eochy Rinnamail, Eocha-Annuine, Eoganan, Ewen) 101. Alpin Eochaidh (92) is omitted, but Eochaidh II and III (97-98) are added. It was almost unkown at this time for a father and son to share the same name, but much more common for brothers, so it has been suggested that this line actually traces three successively reigning brothers in this case, but the chronology makes this unlikely, with Aidan (93) b. 532 and Aed Find (99) b. 714. Fergus MacErc Irish chieftain this chart has him as son of Muiredach, descendant of Niall of the Nine Hostages | Domangart, King of Scots | Gabhran, King of Scots | Aidan, King of Scots cousin of St. Columba | Eochaidh, King of Scots | Domnall, King of Scots | Domangart II, King of Scots | Eochaidh II, King of Scots | Eochaidh III, King of Scots | Aedh, King of Scots | Eochaid, King of Scots | Alpin, King of Scots | Kenneth MacAlpin, King of Scotland united Picts and Scots 843 | Grioghair was the 3rd son of King MacAlpin The [MacGregors] descended from King MacAlpin The [MacAdams] Descended from the MacGregors

*MACADAMS: DESCENDANTS OF KINGS* The MacAdams came from: +King Gregor of Alba or (Giric), the 3rd son of +King Kenneth Mac Alpin I,King of Scotland,acceded-839 died-859. +He descended from King Argyll,acceded-854 died-834. +He came from King Alpin,acceded-834 died-834. +He came from King Find,died 778. +His Father was King MacEchdach,died-733. +He came from King Eochaidh,died 697. +He descended from King MacDomnaill,died-673. +His Father was King Brecc,Domnall,died-643. +He came from King MacAidan,died-629. +His Father was King MacGabhran,acceded-574 died-608. +He came from King Mac Domangairt,died-559. +He descended from King MacFergusso,died-506. +His Father was King Fergus Mor MacErc.He acceded to the Throne of Scots on 490 AD.

*MACADAMS: FROM SCOTLAND TO GEORGIA,USA* The first MacAdam was [Adam MacGregor-MacAdam]-name change 1450]. His son was [John-b 1499]. His son was [Andrew-b 1535]. His son was [Quintin-land 1591]. His son was [Quintin-b 1599]. His son was [Gilbert-m Marion Blair]. His son was [William-m Bessie Fullerton]. His son was [Gilbert-m Miss Cunningham]. His son was [Quintin-m Janet Crawford]. His son was [Quintin-no records]. His son was [John]. His son was [Quintin-b House of Grimet]. His son was [David-b House of Grimet-m Miss P Stair]. His son was [Alexander-b House of Grimet-m Jane Dick]. His son was [Alexander-b house of Grimet-m & had several children]. His son was [Thomas-b House of Grimet 1728-arrived America 1768]. His son was [Robert-b 1755 in Ireland-arrived America 1768]. His son was [Henry C-b 1788 in America]. His son was [Bluford-b 1810]. His son was [Henry John (Jake)-b 1832]. His son was [John Henry-b 1866-d 1936]. His son was [James Franklin-b 1899 interred-Dacula Ga USA]. His son was [Clyde-b 1932-Lilburn Ga USA]. His son was [Chris-b 1958 Atlanta Ga USA].

*MACADAMS: IN THE BEGINNING* Legend has it that one Adam MacGregor was rewarded with a name change and land charters for his heroic duty to King James. One day King James and his assistants were traveling when an enraged stag threatened the safety of His Royal Highness. Adam MacGregor,was one of those in attendance. Adam, with quick thinking, pulled his bow and defended the King. Thus, the King was kept safe and Adam was awarded his own name and Coat-Of-Arms in 1450.

*MACADAMS POETRY* [MACADAMS OF CRAIGENGILLAN] Sir, o'er a gill I gat your card, I trow it made me proud; 'See wha takes notice o' the Bard!' I sap and cried fu' loud. Now diel-ma-care about their jaw, The senseless, gawky million: I'll cock my nose aboon them a'-- MacAdam Craigengillan! [Praised] 'Twas noble, sir: 'twas like yoursel' To grant your high protection; A great man's smile, ye ken fu' well, Is aye a blest affection,-- Though, by his banes who in a tub Matched Macedonian Sandy; On my ain legs, through dirt and dub [pddle] I independent stand aye. And when those legs to good warm kail, Wi' welcome canna bear me, A lee dike-side, a sybow-tail, [lonely-wall-Leek] And barley-scone, shall cheer me. [cake] Heaven spare you lang to kiss the breath O' many flowery sinners! And bless your bonny lasses baith-- I'm told they're lovesome kinners! [Girls.] And God bless young Danaskin's Laird, The blossomof our Gentry, And may he wear an auld man's beard, A credit to his Country."

*ENTITLED MACADAMS* #1 William McAdam-Sheriff Officer-Glasgow,Scotland-1757 #2 John MacAdam-King's assistant,ArchDeacon-Lismore Cathedral Church-1547 #3 Duncan MacAdam-Burgess of Ayr-1609 #4 Gilbert MacAdam-"Aid To Camp" to Earl of London in New York-1757 #5 Col John MacAdam-Cromwellian Officer-Seige of Londonderry-1641 #6 Lt James MacAdam-Ulster,Ireland-1653 #7 Ensign Andrew MacAdam-Ulster,Ireland-1653 #8 1st Lt John McCadamLiskilte,Ireland-1658 #9 James McCaddam-Baron of Belfast,Ireland-1669 #10 Joseph McAdam-GodFather to Thomas of Donegal,Ireland-1721 #11 Capt John McAdam-Sailor-The Ship'Admiral Hawk'Londonderry,Ireland-1767 #12 William MacAdam-Baron of WaterHeid-1648 #13 Robert S MacAdam-Gaelic Scholar-[1801-1895] #14 Henry MacAdam-Judge of Upper Canada,London County-1850's #15 Phillip MacAdam-Baron of Blackwater-1684 #16 James MacAdam-Noted Geologist-[1801-1861]

*MACADAMS RELATIVES* Some of the relatives of the MacAdams Family are [John Loudon MacAdams] He was the creator of the 'first paved road', and a Highway Commissioner in Scotland. The word 'TarMac' is so named for his sake. [John MacAdams] was a Scottish Scientist & Professor of Chemistry. His name was used for the 'Macadamia' which so many people enjoy eating. [David MacAdams] was a Justice of the Supreme Court.

*MACADAMS: COAT OF ARMS* [COAT OF ARMS OF SCOTLAND] The Coat of Arms of the MacAdam Family is derived from the circumstance--one of their ancestors,MacGregor,had saved the Kings life by shooting a stagg that had endangered him. This Family tradition is accepted by scholrs. The MacAdam Arms bear no resemblance to the ancient shield of the MacGregor Clan. The MacAdam of Waterheid[Waterhead] and the MacAdam of Craigengillan of Ayrshire,Scotland use the same arms;the exception being a different motto and the direction of the arrows.Below is the illustration of the Coat of Arms of MacAdam: MacAdam of Waterhead-from the Stewartry of Korkcidlright & Ballochenorrie,County Ayr. The Ancient Arms is found on The Old Tower Over The Gate of the Family Burial Ground and on Tombstones. Additional MacAdam Coat Of Arms of Scotland. The MacAdam Coat of Arms illustrated here is officially documented in Burke's General Armory. The description of the Arms is as follows: "Gu, A Fesse Chequy Or & Az,between three arrows,points upward,of the second. The original colors of the MacAdam Arms were: Red; a horizontal band checkered Gold & Blue between three Gold arrows. Above the Helmet is a Naturally colored Stag's Head Jagged." MacAdam of Scotland- A Crosslet fitched and a sword in Saltier GU. MacAdam of Scotland-A Dexter Hand holding a Mark's lure. MacAdam Coat Of Arm Colrs: Crimson Red & Gold

*BRANCHES OF THE MACADAMS* #1 MacAdams of the Craigengillan Branch in Ayrshire,Scotland. #2 MacAdams of the Waterheid Branch in Ayrshire,Scotland. #3 MacAdams of the Blackwater Branch in Spring Hall,Ireland

*ESTATES OF THE MACADAMS* The Properties in Scotland were combined & is now called Lagwyne House Estate. The Property in Ireland is called Blackwater House Estate.

*ESTATES OF THE MACADAMS* The Properties in Scotland were combined & is now called Lagwyne House Estate. The Property in Ireland is called Blackwater House Estate. [Image] [Image] Links to other sites on the Web [Image] MACADAMS HISTORY! [Image] ROYAL ANCESTORS OF THE MACADAMS! [Image] MACADAMS:COAT OF ARMS! [Image] MACADAMS:HIGHWAY ENGINEERS! [Image] FAMOUS MACADAMS! [Image] MACADAMS:ENGINEERS OF CASTLES! [Image] *MACADAMS OF GEORGIA* *The MACADAMS Of Georgia,USA Landed In Charleston,SC.In 1768 In The Ship 'BETTY GREGG' From Belfast,IRELAND.Their Names Were THOMAS[40]-b 1728 & CATHERINE[38]-b 1730. Their Children Were ROSE[20]-b 1748 & 2 SONS, HENRY[28]-b 1750 & ROBERT[13]-b 1755* *MACADAMS REUNION* The 'MACADAMS FAMILY REUNION' is on the 1ST Saturday in Every AUGUST at CORINTH, GA. For details please call [1-800-628- 9961] Or just email to>>>[lil-mac@mindspring.com] *Please Add Your [MACADAMS] Information Free* If You Want To Add a [MACADAMS GENEALOGY] To This Page Or Any [MACADAMS TRIVIA] Just Let Me Know ATt [lil-mac@mindspring.com]! [Image] [Add Me!] Submit your page to 34 popular sites for free, using one form! © 1997 lil-mac@mindspring.com


Date: Sun, 22 Jun 1997 21:04:00 -0500 From: Donna Wheatley Reply-To: fcarms@silcom.com MIME-Version: 1.0 To: lil-mac@pop.mindspring.com Subject: Coat of Arms Hello again, Yes, there is a registered Coat of Arms in the name MCADAMS. Let me know if I can further assist. Sincerely, Donna Wheatley Owner

From: BobM82917@aol.com Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 20:01:07 -0400 (EDT) To: lil-mac@mindspring.com Subject: McAdams tartan-crest? Dear Col., 7/16/97 To your knowledge, do you know if McAdams(MacAdam) has a tartan or crest in addition to MacGregor? When I was a young lad, I had a scarf that was said to have belonged to my grandfather. The plaid was not MacGregor. Thank You, Sincerely, Robert Thomas McAdams

From: BobM82917@aol.com Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 20:43:00 -0400 (EDT) To: lil-mac@pop.mindspring.com Subject: Re: McAdams Tartan-Crest Dear Chris, 7/20/97 Unfortunately the scarf is long gone. I can say that it was a dark plaid design, I believe blue and green. My only chance to make a possible ID, would be to try to find in a book on clan tartans. It's possible that it was from another clan or whatever. Sir, do you live in Scotland ? I live in Lancaster, California USA Thank You For Your Reply Sincerely, Bob McAdams

Chris, I just read the information you added to the Clan Chat. I had'nt been on that page in a while and forgot about it. You and my husband must be related. I got my information from a cousin of his. His name and address is: Charles M. Stanford 9106 North Drive Austin, Tx.78753 or you can contact Raymond E. Farris Route 4, Box 36 Anadarko,Okla 73005 Phone 405, 453-7607 just tell them I gave you their names. What is the book you are getting your info from and can I get one too? This in what I have on Henry C.McAdams b.1788 in SC. m.14 Jan 1830 parents were Robert McAdams and Sarah Williams Henry's wife Elender Lowell children were Vernlia b.7 Nov 1830 Martha Ann b.18 Apr 1832 Delila Ann b.9 Mar 1834 in Ga.d. 15 May 1919 in Tarrant Co.,TX spouse Francis Marion Stanford m.25 Dec 1851 in GA. Minerva Ann b. 10Jan 1836 Ward b.24 Jan 1838 Emmaline b. 1 Sept 1839 Elender no b. date We believe Henry was married more than once. I would truly like to see what else you have on McAdams. Thank you, Pam Davidson Largo, Fl. ps. I have two webpages on our genealogy: http://www.angelfire.com/fl/bonediggen/index.html http://members.wbs.net/homepages/f/l/a/flasunshine.html

X-Sender: cmcole@mail.gte.net Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 11:17:56 -0500 To: lil-mac@mindspring.com From: "Charles M. Cole" Subject: Roots Web - McAdams Mime-Version: 1.0 I am doing research on the John McAdams family line and would be interested in finding out more about what you have discovered. I have a complete record of the McAdams family (TN>AL>TX) in the early 1800's and would be happy to share this data with you if you are interested. cmcole@gte.net

X-Sender: cmcole@mail.gte.net Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 08:13:49 -0500 To: lil-mac@pop.mindspring.com (cmsr) From: "Charles M. Cole" Subject: Re: McAdams Mime-Version: 1.0 Chris: My original note was as follows: I am doing research on the John McAdams family line and would be interested in finding out more about what you have discovered. I have a complete record of the McAdams family (TN>AL>TX) in the early 1800's and would be happy to share this data with you if you are interested. I simply thought that you and I might have information on the McAdams Family that we could share. My McAdams line starts with a John McAdams, Sr. who showed up in SC about 1802, from where nobody knows (we think probably Ireland). He married a Martha Rogers in SC and then moved to TN. From TN he moved several times and passed through AL on the way to TX. He had a son, John McAdams, Jr., who is my great grandfather. This John Jr. married twice. The first marriage was to Hester White, and the second marriage was to Mary Frances Bankhead. Any of this sound familiar? If so, let's talk. If not chunk this note. Thanks, Charlie Cole Denton, TX cmcole@gte.net At 07:39 PM 10/21/97 -0500, you wrote: > >What do you want to know about the McAdams(MacAdam)? > > chris > >cm sr

From: NChapman@aol.com Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 10:23:48 -0500 (EST) To: lil-mac@mindspring.com Subject: McAdams Genealogy Dear, McAdams Researcher, I was exploring genealogy research for the first time this morning on the Internet when I came across your Roots Web reference to the Snow Betty Greg. My ancesters Thomas McAdams and wife Catherine came from Ireland on that ship in 1768. I have done enough research to assure myself that they are my immigrants. My maiden name is McAdams so this is a very important line for me. I would like to compare research. Although I do most of my work for my job on computer, I have not found the time to update my early genealogy computer files on the IIGS to my current Windows platform. Maybe this will get me going again. You are the first researcher I have found in fifteen years of looking (sporadically) that has made reference to this Thomas McAdams family. Although his son Thomas is not listed as an immigrant, he did have a son Thomas Jr. from whom I am descended. Thomas Jr. moved to Alabama in the 1830's (as I recall) and died in Pike Co. in 1848. I have land plats from SC Archives and other research that I would like to share. I hope to hear from you. Norma Chapman - nchapman@aol.com 1583 McLennan Crossing Waco, TX. 76712

From: NChapman@aol.com Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 08:52:08 -0500 (EST) To: lil-mac@pop.mindspring.com Subject: Re: McAdams Genealogy Dear Chris, So good to hear from you. Yes, There is a Thomas Sr. in Pike Co., Alabama who was also Thomas Jr. in Orangeburg, South Carolina. I have a history I have written about him that I will send you in the next few days. I will be eager to have your critique and how it relates to your research and your ancesters. I am on my way to work, so will send more later. Thanks for writing. Norma

Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 16:54:38 -0500 From: James Davidson Reply-To: jhd99@gte.net MIME-Version: 1.0 To: cmsr Subject: Re: mcadams? cmsr wrote: > > hello > which mcadams line are u intersted in or do u just want general info? > thanks chris > > cm sr Hi Chris, My husbands GGGreatgrandfather was Henry McAdams, henry father was Robert, roberts father was Thomas, Thomas's father was Alexander, Alexander's father was Qintin I believe. Thomas, Alexander and Quinton were born in the House of Grimmit in Scotland. Something like that, I need real dates, spouses and what ever. Henry was born 1788,SC. his father Robert McAdams was born about 1768 and I think was a stowaway on a ship from England. His brother came over a couple years later. Henry had a Daughter named Delilia Ann McAdams b 9 Mar 1834 in Ga. she died in Parker Co, TX. She married Francis Marion Stanford and so on. I do have a web page Im working on. Two of them if you'd like to see it. http://www.angelfire.com/fl/bonediggen/index.html http://members.wbs.net/homepages/f/l/a/flasunshine.html Thanks for any help you can give me. Pam Davidson Largo, Fl.

Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 22:12:30 -0500 From: James Davidson Reply-To: jhd99@gte.net MIME-Version: 1.0 To: cmsr Subject: Re: mcadams? cmsr wrote: > > >cmsr wrote: > >> > >> hello > >> which mcadams line are u intersted in or do u just want general info? > >> thanks chris > >> > >> cm sr > >Hi Chris, > > > >My husbands GGGreatgrandfather was Henry McAdams, henry father was > >Robert, roberts father was Thomas, Thomas's father was Alexander, > >Alexander's father was Qintin I believe. > > > >Thomas, Alexander and Quinton were born in the House of Grimmit in > >Scotland. Something like that, I need real dates, spouses and what ever. > > > >Henry was born 1788,SC. his father Robert McAdams was born about 1768 > >and I think was a stowaway on a ship from England. His brother came over > >a couple years later. > > > >Henry had a Daughter named Delilia Ann McAdams b 9 Mar 1834 in Ga. she > >died in Parker Co, TX. She married Francis Marion Stanford and so on. > > > >I do have a web page Im working on. Two of them if you'd like to see it. > >http://www.angelfire.com/fl/bonediggen/index.html > >http://members.wbs.net/homepages/f/l/a/flasunshine.html > > > >Thanks for any help you can give me. > > > >Pam Davidson > >Largo, Fl. > > hello > henry c was one of my ggrandfathers.i will try to get specific dates > together and send them to u.these are my other ggrandfathers in ascending > order. (: > also,there were (more than one man had the same name) passed down from > father to son. > henry c=no records > robert-b=1755-america=1768 > thomas-b=1728-america=1768 > alexander2-m=several children > alexander1-m=jane dick > david-m=p starr > quintin4-owned land=1778 > john2-owned land=1724 > quintin3-owned land=1700 > quintin2-owned land=1642-1682 > william-rec land=1621 > quintin1-heir=1591 > andrew-cb=1535-rec land charter=1569 > john1-ca=1510 to 1560 > adam-name change=1450 > > cm sr I guess you must be a cousin to my husband then. I have info on Henry C. McAdams on thru to my husband if you want it. Just let me know. I would like any help you could give me. We have most of our family's on Family Tree Maker. My husband just got it a couple of months ago and he's still trying to figure out all that we can do with it. Thanks for you help. Pam

Date: Sun, 23 Nov 1997 13:58:25 -0600 From: Tom & Hope Reply-To: hopecn@fortwayne.infi.net Organization: Home MIME-Version: 1.0 To: lil-mac@mindspring.com Subject: McADAMS I have a McADAM(S) entering into my Scot lines in middle 1600's. Were your ADAMS in Ayrshire by any chance? Some other names marrying into this line, in this area from early 1400 to middle 1600'S are SCHAW/SHAW, CORRIE, KENNEDY, FERGOUSSONE, BLAIR, MOOR, CLARK, CUNNINGHAM, FORRESTER, (HOLMES). I don't know if Alexander married before or after going to Ulster: .......8 Alexander McIlvane b: Bef 1640 in Ayrshire, Scotland d: ca 1690 in Aughnocloy, Throne, No Ire .......+?? McAdam ........9 Mary McIlvane b: 1686 in Aughnocloy, Throne, No Ireland No questions. Just trying to fill in Mary's mother's name. Hope Don't take life too seriously...its only a temporary situation! Researching (known surnames): ADAMS / BITTING / BLEODIL / BLYTHE / BUTTERBAUGH / BRENNA / CLEMENS / COLBURN / CORRIE / COTRILL / DeGASQUE / DeRONDE / DANIEL / DIERDORF / EAGER / FAHNESTOCK / FARQUHAR / FERGOUSSONE / FREDRICKER / GAFF / HARTMAN / HARMON / HAWK / HEINE / JACK-JACQUES-JAMES / JERVIS / KENNEDY / KIESTER / KILGORE / LaREW / LEITSCHE / McADAMS / McILVAINE / MICKEY / MILLER / OLINGER / PARKER / PUFF / RENCH? / ROSE / ROWLAND / SHAW / ULRICH-ULLERY / WILLIAMS /


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Irelands Eye!
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