1. If you're having trouble getting your cichlids in the mood to breed, try pouring a small amount of cold water in the tank. This will simulate a rain shower, which is when they breed in the wild. Don't overdo it, though. I have done this, and my cichlids promptly follow by doing their thing.

2. KEEP THE WATER CLEAN. Do regular water changes, as well as pH checks, as batches can very easily be overtaken by fungus in unclean water.

3. Maintain a steady temperature, this will also help the eggs hatch. Look at the specific temperature requirements of each fish for more information on this subject.

4. I'm not sure if this goes for all cichlids, but exposure to excess light may affect the outcome of the batch. Once again check the specific requirements of the individual fish.

5. Have patience, if you follow all of these rules, your fish should breed. Just stick with it, because breeding fish can really add excitement to your aquarium, as well as posing a challange.

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