June - August 1998

Jamie Digging in his "Sandboat"
Jamie Reading to Pooh
Saying Hi to a Dog
The Kent Fire Department
A Friend's Pool
Feeding the "Bambi Cow"
Birthday Cake
"Picking up my sleeping buddies, Orca, PB, Bobo, and Dung Dung"
Saying Hi to another Dog
The Ugly Face of Toddler Jetlag
Hacking Around with My Dumptruck on Skaket Beach
New Ways to Play with Popa's Toy
Birthday Cake!!
Why are those Girls Sitting Down at the Table While They Have
Shut Da Doo...!
Planting the Tomatoes
"Farmer 'Gregor's" Farm Next Door
Bye Bye!
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at
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