ARTHUR, 4th Generation


August, 1997- The bypass surgery was a success. Sept. 13, 1997- He turned 82 in the intensive care unit. Sept. 20, 1997- The heart was still strong, but couldn't keep the body going any longer. My Dad passed away.

He was born in Guernsey, Saskatchewan, Sept 13, 1915. The following excerpt is from a letter I received, July, 1997..."I remember the first week in Oct. 1923 very well. My Mother gave me two sandwiches. I then mounted my horse (bareback) and I was on my way for my first day in school. The school was two miles away-a distance that meant nothing to me. You see, I had been herding my Dad's thirty or so horses, two or three cows, some heifers and colts on the open range all summer for grazing, so I knew my way around. My parents thought nothing about giving me this responsibility. After all, I was nearly eight years old and had ridden into Guernsey to get my Dad to come home on a couple of occasions (about six miles, one way)."

war years

The family moved from Canada to Walla Walla, WA in 1924. Shortly thereafter, they moved to Oregon and settled in Gearhart. Thoughts on life in Gearhart from same letter quoted above..."Dad finally got a job on the Gearhart Golf Course as a teamster in 1924. he got it through an employment agency in Portland, OR. his job was to mow the fairways, take care of the horses and, of all things, to run the boiler plant that heated the water for the swimming tank that no longer exists-hasn't for nearly 60 years or more. I see some people have built a large home in the vicinity. I wonder if thay know that about ten feet under their front yard there is a large concrete swimming tank!"

Arthur attended Oregon State Univ. and joined the Army Sept. 2, 1943. He served in the European Theater from Sept. 1944 until June 1945.

He received the Silver Star & Purple Heart. When he separated from the service, he was a 1st Lieutenant. He never discussed the war years with his family, but did keep in touch with his Comander and some of his army buddies. He was buried in his uniform and I think that would have pleased him.

Karl-Art Laura,Art,Liz

Karl & Art 1970's

Daughter, Laura; Dad;
Granddaughter, Liz, 1991

-Andreas, 1st Generation -Wilhelm, 2nd Generation -Karl, 3rd Generation

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