Texas-gal & Crystaldragon

My Texas Rose

My Texas rose glows bright with the morning light
The briliance of her smile can bring delight

Friendship bonds with deep embrace
We laugh and cry at lifes frantic pace

She does not realize the gift she has shared
The warmth, the feelings of one that trully cares

I proudly call her “friend” and I love her so
The times we have spent makes my  life whole

A wild pair we trully are
We are like two bright shooting stars

We hold our hearts in our hands
Our lovers know this and understand

We rant, we smile, we shake the world
we enter a room and make it swirl

Together we are endless laughter and we bring joy
We are apart sadlly, yet we find ways to share our toys

Texas rose you are a delight and My friend
Together always, dragoness’s to the end
    I love you  my texas rose

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