Hello from Bonnie/iamhis1 - Thanks for visiting my page.
I hope you enjoyed your visit, and please, if you haven't already, please sign.
Feel free to stop by again, anytime.

Lynette Johnson - 12/23/00 14:40:45
How did you find my page?: from e-mail you sent me.

Bonnie, Your lighthouses page is great. I go to North Caroline every fall and go back to see all the lighthouses there each year. It's wonderful to see such interest in the ones here in our own back yard. Thank You for sharing with all of us. Love Lynette

Tommy - 12/13/00 16:26:25
My URL:/tawalters.geo
My Email:tawalters@alltel.net
Your Website Name: tawalters
Your Interests: Christian-Missing\Abused Children
How did you find my page?: Link from HPIP

Very nice page, enjoyed the history about lighthouse. Keep up the good work. In Jesus Love, Tommy

Salvatore Trentacoste - 05/25/00 01:47:36
My URL:http://www.sam9537.com
My Email:sam9537@home.com
Your Website Name: Sam9537's World of Intrigue
Your Interests: Lighthouses,
How did you find my page?: Lighthousekeepers web ring

nicely done . you have some great pictures of lighthouses

BEVERLY BOWMAN - 05/22/00 22:59:53
How did you find my page?: E-MAIL


arleen - 03/18/00 21:27:55
My Email:ibtweedy@yahoo.com
Your Website Name: yahoo
Your Interests: i'm from the great lakes
How did you find my page?: my sister, cutncurl@nauticom.net

i found that this story was heart warming. i alway's want to live in a lighthouse.

Connie - 03/16/00 05:38:09
My Email:ConMcCon4@aol.com
How did you find my page?: Sister sister

Came back for a visit...you've done alot of work, some of it is so new....wish I knew how to do one. Enjoyed it Love ya, con

Joanne Foster - 03/01/00 02:33:18
My Email:penguin@toolcity.net
Your Website Name: penguin
Your Interests: lighthouses,angels,penguins, musicals,plays,books
How did you find my page?: scanning thru the computer

This is a wonderful book. I do collect lighthouses and have seen the lighthouses in Erie. I hope to go up again this summer to see them again. I have heard they restored the one on rte. 5. again this is wonderful. thanks. Joanne Foster

King Graham II - 02/27/00 13:27:35
My URL:http://www.exminster.co.uk
My Email:kidzland@email.com
Your Website Name: Kidzland
Your Interests: internet and ruling an island kingdom
How did you find my page?: It was ever so easy!

Really different and interesting site. I enjoyed it a lot.

Sandra - 02/19/00 04:17:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/reneekegebein
My Email:s_kegebein@hotmail.com
Your Website Name: Lighthouses of America
Your Interests: Lighthouses
How did you find my page?: Lighthouse Keepers webring

Hi Bonnie, You have a very nice web-site and i love the photos of the lighthouses and all the rest as well... ~Your Net-Friend~ ..Sandra

Sandi - 02/03/00 14:03:29
My Email:tssdbj@usachoice.net
How did you find my page?: looking for Erie info

This was delightful and informative. We take in "the beach" at Erie annually. When we did get to the Atlantic Ocean - my kids were amazed because Erie was the only "beach" we ever visited. Thanks for the neat stop.

George P. Gordon - 01/06/00 23:19:42
My URL:http://seaside specialties.com/
Your Interests: anything about lighthouses
How did you find my page?: web search

Very well done site as well as informative. Your pictures are excellent!

Rich Eisenberg - 11/07/99 19:49:14
My Email:topsa1l@aol.com
Your Website Name: Topsa1l
Your Interests: maritime stuff
How did you find my page?: visiting your home!

Great page! I'll get you a flyer about the lighting of the Erie Land Light and party on 12-26-99. Check out my page (still under construction)at: www.goerie.com/bcms

Dan Hatt - 09/19/99 20:22:46
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~dan_hatt
Your Website Name: dans homepage
How did you find my page?: on teh maritime webring

very nice pictures :0)

Kilgallon - 08/03/99 20:03:59
My URL:http://www.alltel.net/~pres2000
My Email:Pres2000@alltel.net
Your Website Name: AMericas Choice
Your Interests: Web Site says it all.
How did you find my page?: You emailed me Bonnie.

Nice site. Very informative and nice pics.

Michelle Peterson - 08/02/99 01:32:39
My Email:lmrfdd2@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: Mom(connie)

I love you auntie.... your sight is fantastic!!!!! love Michelle ,,,

Pamela Zepeda - 07/31/99 14:53:09
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/phz14
My Email:lighthouse14@netscape.net
Your Website Name: "Mostly Maine" Lighthouses
Your Interests: LIGHTHOUSE!:)
How did you find my page?: through an email :)

I love this page! You've done a great job and I see we belong to the same lighthouse ring. Thanks so much for getting in touch with me. All My Best, Pam

Hans - 07/02/99 21:08:33
My Email:anchorinnbb@klis.com
How did you find my page?: from a friend

good job, love the pics. of the lighthouses, keep up the good work

Deborah - 05/31/99 10:52:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/9025/index.html
My Email:daggettd@nbnet.nb.ca
Your Website Name: Grand Manan Lighthouses
Your Interests: lighthouses, genealogy, quilting, travelling
How did you find my page?: Links page

What a great site! I love the background on your main page. I enjoyed my visit very much - you've done a great job!

Jimmie - 04/08/99 01:39:21
Your Website Name: jlp109
How did you find my page?: friend

Am looking forward to meeting you one day. You sound like a super lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emily Fiumefreddo - 03/30/99 03:15:28
My Email:emfu@juno.c om
How did you find my page?: sitting at the computer w/connie

think it is very interesting...take care....

Kitty - 03/24/99 23:00:35
My Email:riokitty@aol.com
How did you find my page?: Connie

Those are really neat, I've never even seen a lighthouse, except in pictures.

connie peterson - 03/12/99 03:15:12
My Email:conmccon4@aol.com
Your Website Name: ########
Your Interests: trying to stay ahead...
How did you find my page?: guess?????

This was real interesting Bon...enjoyed it...it wasn't illegal tonight for me to get to see it. haha.....You did a great job...enjoyed the music with it....neat....catch you later...con

tricia miller - 03/06/99 17:59:32
My Email:questiv@lynchburg.net
Your Interests: lighthouses,beanie babies
How did you find my page?: searching for lighthouses

Great site, found out a lot of interesting info. thanx.

Connie - 02/26/99 15:26:11
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.net/ccesaretti
My Email:ccesaretti@prodigy.net
Your Website Name: Connie's Place
Your Interests: Tole Painting, Lighthouses, Dollmaking
How did you find my page?: Sent to me by Dick

Love lighthouses. Love to paint them on everything. Check out my website and if you approve of it, would you please add me as a link from your site or send my page to your friends and acquaintences. Thanks

Cathy Grove - 01/23/99 04:26:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/1208/lighthouses.htm
My Email:luvrn@worldnet.att.net
Your Website Name: Cathy's Lighthouse Page
Your Interests: LIGHTHOUSES!!! beach, travel
How did you find my page?: web ring

Very nice web page...I loved the Lake Erie trip I went on. Presque Island is absolutely beautiful!!!

Jimmie - 01/16/99 00:22:58
My Email:jlp109@aol.com
How did you find my page?: friend

Wonderful page.

John Didymus Pope - 11/08/98 16:37:48
My URL:http://cyberport/com/!ev/didymus.html
My Email:didymus@flash.net
Your Website Name: Church of God, Internet
Your Interests: Theology and History
How did you find my page?: Bonnie.

I love it , I love Light houses and Juke boxes, and Bonnle, your a neat-o friend.

Aunt Owwee - 11/08/98 01:26:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/rapids/7352
My Email:dreamwest@hotmail.com
Your Website Name: Wow World of Aunt Owwee
Your Interests: photography, scrapbooking, Montana, Lighthouses, reading,
How did you find my page?: Lighthouse Ring

I haven't seen those lighthouses yet! Thanks for the viewing, and may God Bless.

Irene Wowk - 10/10/98 02:39:18
My Email:imhrpt@rit.edu
How did you find my page?: I was surfing and getting lost on the Web, and happened upon your site as part of the Lighthouse Web ring

I have been looking for a picture of the Presque Isle lighthouse for the longest time and haven't been able to find one. I remember visiting a friend who lived there when I was a child. I haven't been back to Erie for a long time, but I'm sure I spent som of the best year's of my life there. I just celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary, and I haven't been back since I was married (just to give you a hint how long it's been). Anyway, it was serendipity that I found your page. My joke with my friends is th t I want to live in a lighthouse. The Presque Isle lighthouse looks just perfect to me! Let me know if it goes up for sale! Hopefully, I'll make it back to Erie someday soon. One of the first things I plan to do is visit that lighthouse! Thanks for your page—and, I love the juke box too! Best wishes. Irene.

10/02/98 11:54:29
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Heartbeat # Two - 09/30/98 01:41:30
My URL:http://www.web-access.net/~elliott
My Email:beverly@web-access.net
Your Website Name: Heartbeat's One & Two - 50's & 60's
Your Interests: Art, 50's & 60's Music
How did you find my page?: You signed our Yearbook

I've enjoyed my visit very much. Your site is very unique and informational. I truly appreciate you taking the time to put together such a worthwhile site. Absolutely, you have spend much time creating it. Keep up the excellent work you are doing! Sites like your's makes it a pleasure to explore the web. When you have some free time I invite you to stop over to visit us again, and to offer any comments or suggestions you might have. Warmest Regards, Heartbeat # Two (Beverly).

William E. Harry - 09/20/98 12:45:56
My URL:http://www.toolcity.net/~bharry/
My Email:bharry@toolcity.net
Your Website Name: Bill's Cyberlounge
Your Interests: Politics, God and Country
How did you find my page?: You sent it to me you ninnie!!!

Like the page...looks like a lot of fun... Love Bill Harry

Bill the PinWiz - 08/17/98 14:20:18
My URL:/Vienna/Strasse/6809
My Email:pinwiz@geocities.com
Your Website Name: The PinWiz Page
Your Interests: Far Too Many
How did you find my page?: I know where it is.

Hi - I stop by here now and then - don't always sign - but am thinking of you - let's chat sometime. Keep Happy!

Beth (AKA The Lighthouse Nut - 08/13/98 23:29:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com /~lighthouse_nut/
My Email:lighthouse_nut@geocities.com
Your Website Name: Beth's Place
Your Interests: Singing, reading, collecting lighthouses :o)
How did you find my page?: Bill the PinWiz

Bonnie, you have a beautiful site here! I love the pictures of all your local lights. Bill left your banner on my guestbook and I just *had* to come visit another lighthouse person, *g*. I hope you come by my place sometime, and maybe even think about oining our webring. We'd love to have you! Have a great night, I enjoyed my visit! Yours, Beth (AKA The Lighthouse Nut)

Ben Rathbn - 07/17/98 20:18:51
My Email:bfr19@idt.net
Your Interests: Lighthouses etc.
How did you find my page?: From your ICQ info

A nice home page-very well done. See you on ICQ

Denise - 07/14/98 02:31:23
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Raceress/
My Email:ministocker@email.msn.com
Your Website Name: Raceress what else??
Your Interests: Told ya once already! LOL!!
How did you find my page?: Back to see any changes!

Hi again, Bonnie!! Came back to see changes here..and I love the 2001 music!!! And that jukebox!! That is really neat... Your page really has a calming effect...remembering back when...

Edna - 07/06/98 02:13:40
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ParadiseDr/Kozy/
My Email:maepa@toolcity.net
Your Website Name: My Homepage
Your Interests: writeing poetry
How did you find my page?: you sent it to me

Bon I am impressed. This site kept me out of chat for a half hour. Now you know that takes some doing. :-) I found it inspirational, informative, and interesting. Fantastic jobhome

- 06/28/98 16:38:03

Hi Bon, That is a very good web site, Willlet you teach me to make one.

Woody - 06/21/98 06:15:32
Your Interests: Hotpockets

Come on baby & light my fire :))

smokie - 06/11/98 13:59:59
How did you find my page?: a little bird told me

nice job ,Bon:-) 16  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. love smokie

Betty aka Foster Mom - 06/05/98 12:16:41
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/6499/slppage.html
My Email:bscamp@mint.net
Your Website Name: Support for Large People
Your Interests: Foster Parenting, ASL, Always gathering knowledge to encourage and educate others!*S*

Dear Bonnie, Your web site is truely a reflection of you!! A shining light, always ready to guide someone and encourage!*S* Being a light to the world is not easy at times........but we push oursleves forward and find definate benefits in helping others! e see it in their faces, just a smile. Or we feel it in our hearts, as we encourage and upbuild others we ourselves are encouraged.......and our hearts soar!! Keep up the great work on your web site!! **HUGS** from Betty aka Foster Mom

Betty aka Foster Mom - 06/05/98 12:15:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/6499/slppage.html
My Email:bscamp@mint.net
Your Website Name: Support for Large People
Your Interests: Foster Parenting, ASL, Always gathering knowledge to encourage and educate others!*S*

Dear Bonnie, Your web site is truely a reflection of you!! A shining light, always ready to guide someone and encourage!*S* Being a light to the world is not easy at times........but we push oursleves forward and find definate benefits in helping others! e see it in their faces, just a smile. Or we feel it in our hearts, as we encourage and upbuild others we ourselves are encouraged.......and our hearts soar!! Keep the great work on your web site!! **HUGS** from Betty aka Foster Mom

Stacy R. Wood, JUr - 05/31/98 02:05:27
My URL:http://www.sigler.org/wood
My Email:Promiseed@aol.com
Your Website Name: Promised Seed Ministries
Your Interests: Christ Head and Body
How did you find my page?: On your email *S*0

Very nice site.

Butterfly - 05/05/98 13:59:41
My Email:elf@evansville.net
Your Interests: Lighthouses, church, bible
How did you find my page?: from a friend

Wonderful website....Great job!

Denise - 05/04/98 17:29:16
My URL:http://homepage.usr.com/r/raceress/
Your Website Name: Raceress
Your Interests: Car racing, animals, family, computer You guess the order!!
How did you find my page?: The grand PinWiz told me!!!

Bonnie, Super start of a page here!! I love it!! The background and layout are beautiful! And lighthouses do hold such history and stories!! Seems we all have a lighthouse within us burning!!

Roger - 05/04/98 06:14:44
My URL:http://home6.swipnet.se/~w-69559/
My Email:hulk@swipnet.se
Your Website Name: Hulk's Homepage
Your Interests: CB Radio, Computer etc.
How did you find my page?: From Bill the pinwiz

Nice site u got, kind regards from Sweden.

Bill the PinWiz - 05/03/98 16:39:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Strasse/6809
My Email:pinwiz@geocities.com
Your Website Name: The PinWiz Page

Your page is off to a great start. I'll check back once in a while to see how things progress. Visit me if you have time. My ICQ# is 7825692.

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