Texie's Tidbits

My Little Corner Of The World

Thank you for visiting my new homepage. I am new at this so I don't have much 'fluff' on this page, but I hope you find some enjoyment during your stay.

ABOUT ME: My name is 'Texie'...well that isn't my real name, but that's all you get for now! I live in Dallas, Texas. I am married and I have 2 cute miniature dachshunds named "Buster" and "Dickens" as well as a cat named "Tikki". I love animals and have included a couple links to some of my favorite animal sites below. My husband does most of the cooking but I do occasionally venture into the kitchen and I have included some of my favorite recipes below also. I hope you like them!

My Favorite Pet Sites

My Favorite Recipes

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More pics of my dogs (cute ones!) and vacation pics!

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This page is always under construction--I have much more to add. Please check by often as I am working on it as often as I can!!!
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