Patch Traders Welcome!

I'm taking a temporary break from trading patches right now because of press of family obligations right now. (If you are willing, please see my prayer request.) Feel free to browse around and please stop by again later to trade.

I'll trade for any kind of embroidered patch at all. I prefer patches that have the name or intials of your council, neighborhood, service unit, troop, or special event on them. But mostly I'll just trade for anything.

Please note that I don't have "council patches" for people who specialize in those, but I do many other interesting and attractive patches to swap. *

Special Event Patches Available

Name of Patch Size Shape Council ID Other
Border Back-
Lettering Description
Trenton Thunder 3" x 3" shield Freedom Valley GS Council "Me & My Guy"
Green White Blue grey hitter against a green city skyline
Camporee 1997 3.5" circle FVGSC Penns Woods
Service Unit
Red Light Blue Red yellow tent with campfire, trees, and yellow sun rays
Wild 'N Wonderful 3" circle - Penns Woods
Green White Green NES stock grey raccoon climbing a vine
Tropical Islands Camporee 3" circle - Penns Woods
Red Light Blue Red palm tree on an island with yellow sun & blue waves
Keep PA Beautiful 94 3.5"
rectangle - 15 Year
Black Blue Black white canoe on a tan shore with shrubs in background
Thinking Day at the Zoo 3" circle FVGSC
1994 Yellow Blue Red great ape, flamingo, and WAGGGS symbol on green map of continents


Cookie Patches for Trade

94We ve Got It Togetherbasic
95Incredible Voyagebooth sale
150+ bar
96Reach for the Starsbasic
97Blaze Your Own Trailbasic
booth sale
super seller
100+, 150+, 200+ bars

Memorabilia Collectors -- I have a few Junior proficiency badges from 1973-79 era that I would be willing to trade or sell. I am looking for a "Penn Laurel" council ID strip from the same era. I also have a number of the Brownie Try-It "Plants and Animals" (discontinued in 1993).

Please drop me a line at if you're interested in trading.

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