Current Projects and Activities:
Saint Joseph the Worker Church
- adult choir ("Altos with Attitude")
- eucharistic perpetual adoration
- elementary school 'Secret Reader' and substitute teacher
- Aid For Friends
Freedom Valley Girl Scout Council
My Vegetable Garden
- sweet corn ('Silver Queen'), popcorn
- bush beans ('Blue Lake' & 'Wax Pencil Pod')
- greens: arugula, radicchio
- cucumbers ('Marketmore')
- tomatoes ('Celebrity' & 'Sweet 100')
- herbs: coriander, dill, parsley, cumin (the chervil died)
- beets ('Perfected Detroit')
- eggplant ('Ichiban')
- lettuces: bibb ('Limestone'), romaine, iceberg, red leaf ('Red Sails' & 'Red Oak Leaf'), green leaf ('Black-Seeded Simpson')
- kohlrabi
- spinach ('Avon')
- winter squash ('Sweet Mama')
- zucchini ('Black Beauty')
- radishes ('Cherry Belle')
- turnips ('Purple Top White Globe')
- small decorative gourds (assorted)
- edible flowers: nasturtiums, calendulas
- artichokes -- our climate is too cool for this tasty perennial, but I'm attempting this year to grow it in containers
Come exchange seeds with other gardeners at the Seed Swappers' Paradise!
Needlework in progress (still!)
- Sewing --
- Cadette/Senior GS uniforms for the Singing Interest Group
- plaid flannel patchwork scrap quilt (not your typical traditional quilt, but not as odd-looking as it sounds)
- Crochet --
- round lace tablecloth, original pattern of star motifs with a border, projected size = 48" diameter, in progress since ~1977
- filet crochet valance for my workroom, orginal pattern of lilies and snowflakes
- lace collars in various styles and colors for the SJW craft show next spring
- Knitting --
- peacock green, white, and turquoise coordinating (not identical) pullovers for the boys, knitted in one piece from the top down
- slippers for the family
- Rugs --
- braided wool rug, 2'x3' oval in mostly navy and grey -- FINISHED! (I'll try to get a picture up soon!)
Vital Statistics: