Deborah Eater

Prayer Request

My mother passed from the arms of her family in this world to the arms of our Saviour in the next, drawing her last breath as we prayed the litany of Divine Mercy with her. Thank you to all who prayed with me for my mother: may God bless you abundantly and console you in your own time of need.

Hobbies and Interests:

Composing sacred music (samples available soon!), Girl Scouting, patch collecting, gardening, singing, the Catholic Church, rug braiding, knitting, needlepoint, quilts, cooking, chocolate, languages, history, science fiction, genealogy, conservation, ...

Current Projects and Activities:

Saint Joseph the Worker Church

Freedom Valley Girl Scout Council

My Vegetable Garden

Come exchange seeds with other gardeners at the Seed Swappers' Paradise!

Needlework in progress (still!)

Vital Statistics:

Born in 1961
Married on December 3, 1983
I have a wonderful indulgent husband and three beautiful children, ages 16, 8, and 5.


B.A. Psychology, 1983 Pennsylvania State University
M.A. Psychology, 1986 Princeton University
GSUSA leadership development: 50 hrs

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