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To Leanne's Lounge

Leanne Rene was born on Tuesday, July 15th 1997
at 3:01a.m. in Nashville, Tennessee. 
She weighed only 6 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. 
She has a deep dimple in her left cheek.  She was born with dark hair and blue eyes.

Now Leanne is TWO!! Hard to believe, but true. She displays moments of both the "Terrible Twos" and the "Terriffic Twos". Thankfully the terriffic times are so wonderful that we can overlook the terrible times.

Leanne is a great talker. She uses sentences most of the time, has conversations with us, and has a big vocabulary. She uses words like adorable, delicious, spatula,  & calculator. She can play just as imaginative as her 4 year old, big sister, and they have fun together.

At her 2 year old check-up Leanne weighed in at 30lbs. and was 35 1/2 inches tall. Her eyes are now brownish-green, her hair is golden brown, and she still has her incredible dimple!

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Leanne and her Blue's Clues 2nd Birthday Cake
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Yummy cake!


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Leanne playing in the ball pit

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Time to open presents


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A new Pooh Bear cup

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"I'm TWO!"


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My new big girl bed!

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