and I went to Israel with Bro. & Sis. Fulcher in 1994. It was the Best
Trip I have ever
taken. Going to Israel and walking in the footsteps
of Jesus really makes the Bible live for
you. I would reccomend anybody to go if they ever get the chance. But of
course all of us
will live throughout all Eternity when we go
to be with our Lord at that location of the earth. Here are some pictures
that I took when we went. Hope youenjoy
This is a picture of Emma getting baptized
in the Jorden River.
This is me getting baptized in the Jorden
River. It was a great
priviledge for Emma and I to have the
chance to get to be baptized
in the same river Jesus was baptized in.
This is the Wailing Wall in Jeruselem.
We all wrote out prayer
request and put in the wall while we were
This is the dead sea. The white
in the back is a big rock of salt.
I put my hand in the sea and when I brought
it back out, it was
white. My hand was still salty for about
three times after washing
This is Emma at the gate to go into Capharnaum.
This is Sister Boggs and another Sister
with our group looking at
the milestone. This is what the scripture
is referring to when it says
it would be better if you were to hang
a milestone around your neck
and drown yourself in the sea than to
offend one of my little ones.
This is our group on the boat on the Sea
Of Galille . This boat
is like the one Jesus and His deciples
always rode on in the Bible.
This is called the place of the scull,
or Golgotha, where Jesus was
This is me standing at the entrance of
This is Bro.& Sis. Quarles from Georgia
, riding the camels. They had a
good time. They were trying to get Emma
and I to ride them, but we were
afraid we'd fall off. :)
This is Emma and I at the tomb of Jesus.
This is Bro.Burford and Bro. Morris Bryant
standing on the banks of
the dead sea.
you have enjoyed the pictures of my trip to The Holy Land, It
would be nice to hear from you. My e-mail
address is