Great Links!

It was very depressing to review this site when I came here today to update it, I made this page back in 1996!!! Almost all of the websites have changed. The good WBS Chat is gone, along with my friends personal webpages. So bear with me, I will just delete them for now and try to find new links to put up. The ones that you see here now should work.

Friends Pages

No link page would be complete without listing your friends homepages. These links will take you to the pages of people I have met through the Military on the computer or other friends.

News and Useful Information

This would be news and useful stuff, pretty self explainatory, huh?

Cool Stuff

Just the really really neat stuff, not trash but science and forensic kinda stuff.

Links That Make My World Turn

These have to do with my work place, former work place, and College. Also any site that I visit daily.

Other Stuff

Here's the trash and junk. Funny sites. Goofy sites and the like.

Add-A-Link. Here is where I will put the links you send me.

Counter Visitors Since 01 April 2002.