Summer Photo's.

Pool without deck
Pool without deck
Pool without deck
Pool & closeup of deck Pool cover is rolled up on the deck
Steps still to build
Completed project

The first 3 pictures show how plain looking an above-ground pool is when it is just plunked down in a yard all by itself. Following that, are 3 pictures after the deck was built. The pool, deck, and trampoline are now all tied together in a nice package. As you can see in the bottom left photograph, there is still lumber lying around, and the job is not yet complete. I still needed to build steps where the step ladder is. The last picture (although not a good photo) shows the finished product.

Completed project
Hinged section, right
Hinged section, left
2 Boards removed
Gate open
Gate closed

The tallest portion of the deck has 2 doors to allow access for storing chemicals and pool toys and tools. I put a sheet of corrugated plastic paneling under the deck, and at a slight angle, in order to keep items underneath dry and allow water that drips through the floor boards to run off to the side.

I hinged all the joists using standard 3/8 inch galvanised bolts so that half of the deck surface could be lifted up in order to be able to drape a tarp over the edge of the pool in way of the section where the deck rests on the edge of the pool wall. This can be seen in the last 2 photographs on the first row. In order to raise the half deck, 2 rows of deck boards (on either side of the hinged area) need to be lifted, so instead of nailing these 2 rows of boards, I used deck screws. This set-up allows me to easily winterize my pool.

I also put a set of hinges on the railings by the landing platform at the top of the steps. This way, the steps to the pool deck can be closed off in winter to keep small children from getting access to the pool deck and possibly falling into the partially-emptied pool.

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