I hinged all the joists using standard 3/8 inch galvanised bolts so that half of the deck surface could be lifted up in order to be able to drape a tarp over the edge of the pool in way of the section where the deck rests on the edge of the pool wall. This can be seen in the last 2 photographs on the first row. In order to raise the half deck, 2 rows of deck boards (on either side of the hinged area) need to be lifted, so instead of nailing these 2 rows of boards, I used deck screws. This set-up allows me to easily winterize my pool.
I also put a set of hinges on the railings by the landing platform at the top of the steps. This way, the steps to the pool deck can be closed off in winter to keep small children from getting access to the pool deck and possibly falling into the partially-emptied pool.