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Addison Township Lions Club
District 11 A-2

Oakland County Michigan USA 

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grencube.gif (241 bytes)   Meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month

                greenbal.gif (204 bytes)  2nd Wednesday -- 7:30 PM Board Meeting book.gif (245 bytes)

                greenbal.gif (204 bytes)  4th Wednesday  -- Dinner Meeting godine.gif (2853 bytes)
                          6:30 PM Cocktails
                          7:30 PM Dinner
                          8:15 PM Meeting

Meeting Location:  North Oakland Elks, (248) 628-9270
                                   3100 Pond Road,  Leonard, MI  48367

greenbal.gif (204 bytes) Turn West off Rochester Road approximately 1.8 curvy miles North of the "three corners" in Lakeville
onto Army Road (or 1.7 miles South of the "four corners" in Leonard)

greenbal.gif (204 bytes) Follow Army Road West about 7/10 mile to Pond Road

greenbal.gif (204 bytes) Turn North on Pond Road about 1/10 of a mile

greenbal.gif (204 bytes) The signs for the parking lot are on the East side of Pond Road

sign.gif (237 bytes)Click on the URL below for a MAP|Y:42.84534|LT:42.84534|LN:-83.15608|LS:20000|c:Leonard|s:MI|z:48367|d:505|p:USA&IC=42.84534:-83.15608::&GAD2=3275+Pond&GAD3=Leonard%2c+MI+48367&W=600&H=375&stex=-y

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Lion Dan Sutherby President 248-628-5924
Lion Stu Wall Secretary 248-628-7329 Voice
248-628-1808  Fax  E-mail
Lion Don Beens Treasurer 248-628-1687 E-mail
Lion Gene Louwaert Vice-President 248-628-1968
Lion Jerry Haremza Lion Tamer 248-628-6828
Lion Fred Jubelt Tail Twister 248-628-1761
Lion Ed Maciejewki Immediate Past President 810-469-7718
Lion Fred Jubelt Membership 248-628-1761

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Lion Joe Beattie Lion Don Beens Lion Henry Boris Lion Barry Clavet
Lion Dennis Cischke Honorary  Lion Jan Clute Lion Jerry Haremza Lion Tim Harvey
Lion Fred Jubelt Lion Bob Kanas Lion Dick Klink Lion Bob Koski
Lion John Leonard Lion Gene Louwaert Lion Ed Maciejewski Lion Eugene Malia
Lion Dave Malone Lion Mike McDonald Lion Doug McNanney Lion "Red" Newton
Lion "John" Patrell Loin Bob Rewold Lion D L Sellers Lion Bob Smith
Lion Tony Spina Lion Dan Sutherby Lion MarcVanHoogstraat Lion Joe Varajon
  Lion James Walendzik Lion Stu Wall  

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Links to Lion Web Sites

Lions Club International

LionNet Of Michigan

LionNet International


email93.gif (10134 bytes)   E-mail Addison Township Lions

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Last up date:  01/18/98
This page created and maintained by Lion Stu Wall

hits since 11/16/97

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