Lisa's History Links

Welcome to some of Lisa's favorite links concerning women and history. Additional links will be added bi-monthly. Enjoy....

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Laura Ingalls
Wilder Links

My Little House
On the Prairie

Little House on
the Prairie-
Laura Ingalls

Laura Ingalls
Wilder Memorial
Society, Inc.

Laura Ingalls
Frontier Girl

The Louisa May Alcott Web

Before Louisa May Alcott published her classic, "Little Women," she published adventures and romances. Among them were...A Long Fatal Love Chase and The Inheritance, both of which are now in print again. Ms. Alcott worked hard, helping to support her family. Her father, Bronson Alcott was a Concord educator and Transcendentalist and often kept his family poor from his many philanthropic and educational Louisa wrote and wrote....(thank goodness!) This is a great web site, with plenty of information including a picture gallery, Orchard House, Letters and Journals, and Louisa links!

Augusta Ada Byron

What would a virtual page on women be without mentioning the "Mother" of computers!?! Actually there is not enough on the web about Ada Byron Lovelace. We all know she was the daughter of Lord Byron, but do we know that she was a mathematical genius who invented the binary system, thus leading to related research on Babbage's "Difference Engine" and then on to computers today? If you don't, you do now! Check out this site.

Mary Cassatt

The art scene has always been dominated by men who painted women. So it's nice to promote a great American painter. Mary Cassatt lived most of her life in France though, where she associated with the Impressionists, including Edgar Degas. She was very gifted, treated her themes with maturity, and introduced Impressionism to America. We have a lot to be grateful for. At a time when women acted as mere models, Mary became a great artist.

The Confessional

Well, we wanted this site to be an "electric" one so we have added this site. Actually, it is quite fascinating...the idea of writing something so personal...well as based on certain characters, Amanda/Clytemnestra, Laura/Electra, and Tom/Orestes.... However, the idea of a site like this is really important...a pioneer in international confessions within the form of fiction and then viewed by anyone. It will give us all a better understanding of how we "act according to our own ideals and images."

Emily Dickinson

You can't have a site about women and history and not mention Emily Dickinson, who is the most famous, and probably the greatest American woman poet. Miss Dickinson led a special life. Here you will find tidbits about her...however, you will find lots of poems. Read them. They are magic and prove once again that words are powerful images.

Encyclopedia of Women's History

We couldn't resist this site...dedicated to Ada Byron Lovelace, for her brillance and vision. It is run by the Portland Jewish Academy and was done as a classroom assignment. Boy, are some kids smart! There are over 100 entries, each a very special woman in history. You can spend a lot of time here, checking out the entries, so be prepared. A wonderful project!

The Foremothers Tell of Olden Times

This is a site run out of the Museum of the City of San Francisco. It basically tells about their exhibits, one being the foremothers who pioneered across country. However, there are great excerpts and links to everything about the gold rush of California. Lots of good information.

Rose O'Neal Greenhow Papers

We have always admired people who are willing to give their lives for a cause. Mrs. Greenhow, better known as the Wild Rose, gave hers while serving the Confederacy during the Civil War. Her story is both romantic and tragic...but not without great courage. This site is run out of Duke University and part of their Special Collections Library. Don't miss it.

Join The Women's History Network

This page is a must, if only for the "Test Your Women's History I.Q. Test" go there and take the quiz and see how much you know! This site is part of the National Women's History Project. You can join if you want. Takes money, but worth it.

Reel Women Foundation

Their promo says, "The Reel Women Trust Foundation is dedicated to documenting and preserving the remarkable stories of great women in all fields overlooked by traditional history sources. Out first and largest mission has been resurrecting the female pioneers behind the scenes in the film industry since 1896...." This is really a nice site. Check it out and see what women pioneered behind the camera. Ida Lupino is one....

Remember the Ladies

This is one of our Geocities neighbors and what a great site it is! It starts off with Kate Chase, and then goes on to other women of the Civil War era, some spies, some lawyers, some writers, some nurses, all dedicated to their causes. This site will load slowly, but just go get a snack if you have trouble waiting...because it is definitely worth the wait. Lots of interesting details and graphics.

The Role of Women in the Civil War

This site is part of the Women In Politics site (see below). It focuses on some of the women of the Civil War, and then has links to The American Civil War Homepage where you will find everything including some wonderful graphics. Don't miss this, but expect to take some time.

Time Line of Presidents and First Ladies

Just what it says, plain and simple, a time line of the Presidents of the United States and all their First Ladies.

The Victorian Web Overview

Anyone who reads ought to have this page bookmarked. This is the opening page of the Victorian Web, a massive project run out of Brown University. You will find out everything about authors, painters, etc from the Victorian period, their themes, symbols, life, and other related subjects. Example: if you wanted to know more about Robert Browning, you could find him, and then his friends, his wife, his symbols, his themes, and then other writers who used the same. The site is always being Updated by Michael Brown April 21st, 1999 with articles by academics who know their stuff. A favorite.

Women in Politics

Just what it says, Women In Politics, everything, including women as Politicians, the History of the Suffrage movement, etc. A nice site.

Women's Resources on the Internet

A list of links that will go to more links, from A to Z on the internet, resources for women.

Women in Tennessee History: A Bibliography

This great and informative site is run by Ken Middleton from Middle Tennessee State University. There are lots of links about Tennessee History. Being from Tennessee, this site is a must. But if you are from another state and doing research for a project related to Tennessee or Women In Tennesse History, Mr. Middleton is the person to know.

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Links Updated by Michael Brown April 21st, 1999

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