The Attic: Lisa's Former Releases

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Lisa's novels
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Mayor Katherine McBride just had to find a new marshall for Belle Plain, Texas... but by choosing bounty hunter, Caleb Johnson, she chose the wrong man. He was an outlaw looking for a way out of trouble...and into Katherine's heart.

"These characters are so real and down to earth as the storytelling is warm and captivating. WHISTLE STOP is sheer pleasure. A perfect summer evening's reading."

from Romantic Times
Whistle Stop

Take a closer look
at Take Heart
on Berkley's Web
Site! Also a bio of
Lisa and
more on her
anthology story,
Take Heart Halley was thrilled when she inherited a ranch in Wyoming, but life in the wild west soon became hard, and Halley had to prove her mettle not only to herself, but to Ben Parrish, a rancher who thought women like Halley had no place in the west.

Take Heart is an exciting tale that
makes for a highly enjoyable reading experience.
Ms. Higdon has successfully blended all the
elements of a good story to make...a touching
and captivating romance readers will savor.

from Rendezvous, July 1996

Writing and Reading Links With Bewitched, Halloween is nigh and the time is right for four wonderful tales of magic and love... Lisa Higdon brings lucky readers the touching and humorous tale of Laura Stuart, a would-be witch....

from Romantic Times

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Updated by Michael Brown April 21st, 1999 April 1st, 1999

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