Hi, my name is Amanda, aka dudettte. Welcome to my homepage. *smile* A place to sit back, relax and learn a little about me, my family,
life as a military brat and various other things that may be of interest to you.

I would like to say that it is not my intention to claim that any graphic or poem on my site is mine. I have given credit to those that I know....if you read a poem that I have credited wrong, or if it's author unknown but you know the author, please email me and I will give credit where it is due, OR I will remove that portion from my site. *shew!*

The most important person in my life after God, is my son, Nathaniel. At 10 years of age, he knows so much that sometimes he scares me. *laughing* Please visit his pages so that he can see his counters go up. I'm sure you will enjoy your time there.

Also, please feel free to email me if there are any comments or suggestions that you may have about my website. I'm always looking for new material so you may want to BOOKMARK my page and come back soon and visit me. Ok, ENUF ABOUT THAT!, sit back, grab a cup of coffee and hopefully...ENJOYI Am A Proud Member Of:
Phenomenal Women Of The WebŪ

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