IV Regiment of Continental Light Dragoons
Larkin Smith's Troop

Formerly of The Brigade of the American Revolution (BAR) - Unit #240

The purpose of this Internet Page is to commemorate the patriots of Colonel Stephen Moylan's Fourth Regiment of Continental Light Dragoons that wrote a noteworthy chapter in the history of the United States during the American Revolutionary War from January of 1777 to July of 1783.

Our intent is to fill in the blanks of that noteworthy chapter of history by sharing published and unpublished information about the Fourth Regiment of Continental Light Dragoons and any other unit or individuals that served with the Regiment or fought against it.

From our accumulations of historical material, and information submitted by other interested persons, we endeavor to document the adventures, misadventures and sacrifices of the regiment, the troops and detachments as identified in countless historical notes, testaments and oral histories of the families of known Officers and men of the Fourth Regiment of Continental Light Dragoons.

Please read the letter from General Washington to Colonel Moylan that put the 4th Continental Dragoons in the history books.

Green coats with red facings replaced the original red costs and the final version of 4th Dragoon Uniform utilized the standard Continental Dragoon coat that was similar to the 2nd Dragoon coat.

The IV Regiment of Continental Light Dragoons
was a recreated Revolutionary War Cavalry Unit.

See our Photo Pages to view some images of IV Dragoon reenactors.
We hope that you may visit a reenactment in your locale some day and possibly take up reenacting. It is a wholesome family oriented activity.
A new photo album is being assembled to display our reenacting trips to France.


The Calendar of the correspondence of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, with the Officers is available via Google Books and provides a search link to www.archive.org, which also has the 4 volumes available for online viewing. Volume 4 contains the index to the Calendar.
We are spotlighting relevant documents found in the Pennsylvania Archives at footnote.com. For example, this series of pages 201 to 204 of Series 5, Volume IV, lists Soldiers in the Cavalry or Dragoons Who Received Depreciation Pay as Per Cancelled Certificates on File in the Division of Public Records in the Pennsylvania State Library. This and other spotlights at footnote.com will be highlighted (hot linked) at the name and or event being highlighted on the web page that refers to the subject. Please visit Foootnote.com site to view our contributions.

Thank you for your interest.
Email us at:iv_dragoon@email.com
or sign the guestbook and make your presence known.

or View the Archived Guestbooks

Your contributions via email and the Guestbook have been invaluable.
We are constantly updating the list of men and officers with your material.

Site Map / Table of Contents
Colonel Stephen Moylan Page
List of Officers
List of Enlisted men
Chronological List of Actions
Index of the GW Papers
Index of 4th Dragoon Officers in the GW Papers
Photo Page1
Photo Page2
The Two George Guthries Paper
CHESTER, our First National Anthem
Capt. Larkin Smith, as described in the Brooke Rememberance
The Chastellux and Moylan page.
The Bibliography Page is being assembled.

IV Dragoon Photo Album
Free Photo Albums by Bravenet.com

Links to other sites on the Web

This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here.

Revolutionary War Home Page
Historical Register of Officers by Francis Heitman
The Brigade of the American Revolution (BAR)
The George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress
The George Washington Papers at the University of Virginia Library
Journals of the Continental Congress at the Library of Congress
Pennsylvania Archives at footne.com.
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