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Early Lewing Family History
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Bluford Lewing and Miamma Dupree
Story #1
        Bluford Lewing married Miamma Viginia Dupree in 1839 (Mormon Family History Library).  They were the ancestors of all the Lewings in Louisiana and related families.  From family memory and census records there were 19 children born to Bluford and Miamma. Bluford and Miamma are buried in the Lewing Cemetery.  The date of birth on Bluford's headstone is Jan. 3, 1806 with the date of death as September 22, 1884.  The date on Miamma's headstone gives Nov. 8, 1813 as the date of birth (who according to the census records  was born in Alabama) and August 17, 1899 as the date of death.  In our research one of the earliest records of Bluford Lewing found was in the Republic of Texas during the 1830's.  He was granted a first-class headright certificate which entitled him to 1,476  acres of land.  To qualify for this certificate he had to take the following oath. "I do solemnly swear, that I was a resident citizen of Texas at the date of the Declaration of Independence, that I did not leave the country during the campaigns of the spring of 1836, to avoid a participation in the struggle, that I did not refuse to participate in the war, and that I did not aid or assist the enemy, that I have not previously received a title to any quantum of land, and that i conceive myself justly entitled, under the Constitution and Laws to the quantity of land for which I now apply."  His name can be found in the book "First Settlers of the Republic of Texas Vol. II" on page 183 with the spelling, Bluford Lewin.  His name is also found in the book "Tax Payers of the Republic of Texas" on page 212 with the spelling Blewford M. Lewing.  His name is also recorded  in the conveyance records of Natchitoches Parish on the date of January 1835.  In this record he is transferring 640 acres of land located in what was formerly called the neutral territory to a group of Lawyers.  By the 1840's he was listed in the Louisiana Census records married with two chrildren.  In the 1850's they were listed in Sabine Parish with eight children.  His mother, Elixabeth Carnes, was living beside him.  She was 79 years old at the time and her birthplace was given as Ireland.
Bluford Lewing
Story #2
          The Lewings were of Scottish origin.  the Glasgow area of Scotland is very close to Northern Ireland, and by the late 1700's it was not a difficult trip back and forth between the two by ship.  Although some of the Lewings were born in Ireland and lived there,  they were apparently not the typical Scotch-Irish who had lived for generations in Ireland.  there was a great wave of migrations of that type of Scotch Irish to America in the early 1700's.  The oldest known Lewing in our family tree was Bluford Lewing (Sr) called "blue".  He was a blacksmith and was killed in Ireland while shoeing a horse.  One of the oldest known Lewings that I have found record of was listed in the book "Complete Book of Immigrants 1700-1750"  who was Richard Lewing.  The listing reads as follows: 
1739 May 18 Richard Lewing of St. Botolph, Aldgate, London, aged 15, whoe father is dead, bound to William Beckford for the estate of Peter Beckford Sr. of Jamaica, deceased, to serve 7 years in Jamaica with he consent of his mother, Elizabeth Lewing (CLRO: ATSM/70) corporation of London Record Office, P.O. Box 270 Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ. 

         Bluford Lewing Sr, (year of birth unknown, died 1811 in Ireland), was married in Glasgow, Scotland to Elizabeth McIntire, (Born about 1770-71, probably in Ireland).  Elizabeth was remarried in 1813 to Samuel J. Carnes (or Karnes), most likely in Scotland. 

          Bluford Lewing Jr. was born in Ireland, according to his gravestone,born Jan. 3, 1806, (died September 22, 1884), but according to several census records, he was born 1809 or 1810.  Young Bluford, with his mother Elizabeth and stepfather Samuel Carnes came from Scotland to Charleston, South Carolinia in 1814.  (This infromation is from Willie Mae Jackson).  In the early 1830's Bluford was in the Republic of Texas settling in Shelby County.  By the late 1830's he came to the area of what later became Fisher, Louisiana. 

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