Kristin's Birthday Photos
Page 1
Kristin was born at Mercy Hospital in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The "Gazette" headlines that day read "Vance Vows Israel Security" and "Coldest January in 177 years". She weighed 8 lbs 10 oz and was 20 inches long.
L: 1st birthday "kitty" cake... at 5435 1st Ave SW in Cedar Rapids, IA (1978)
C: Kristin seems pretty intense as she opens a "Hugs & Kisses" doll on her 2nd birthday (1979)
R: One of our favorite pictures of Kristin... on her 3rd birthday in Decatur, IL (1980)
L: Strawberry Shortcake was big on Kristin's 4th birthday (1981)
C: School birthdays are always fun... this one was her 7th (1984)
R: Another special cake for an 8-year old... the girlfriends partied in the basement (1985)
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Last modified 02/10/98