Feel free to view my Guestbook. If you please, go ahead and sign it as well so i know you stopped by!

Digger Cheryl - 10/31/00 00:12:42
My URL:http://www.wosib.faithweb.com
My Email:stargaze@thekeyboard.com
How did you find me?: Sisters United

You are Cordially Invited to Join Women Of Strength & Inner Beauty! We are an online organization for women of all kinds, to come together, to live, laugh & learn. I think you & your Lovely site would be a Wonderful Addition! We`d Love for you to Join us! If you`re not interested in our membership, be sure to check out our Awards Program, Free Graphic Sets & much more!

Please Stop in for a Visit to our Site!

- 10/05/00 03:22:23

Jennifer - 09/12/00 07:16:22
My URL:http://www.bellesdeese.com
My Email:blueseamagazine@aol.com
Your Favorite web site: I really don't have one
How did you find me?: A link
This page is so cute! very creative also!

Rebekah Castleberry - 07/25/00 18:04:41
My URL:http://www.ilovejesus.com/myhome/firewife
My Email:rcastle@firedept.net
Your Favorite web site: Aph's Homepage of course!! DUH???? :p
How did you find me?: A little bird showed me the way!
Hey girl, just returning the favor! Hope all is well with you! Keep in touch!!

Eliza - 06/30/00 17:29:03
My URL:http://www.scrub_a_dub_dub.homestead.com/files/mainpage.htm
My Email:N/A
Your Favorite web site: http://www.scrub_a_dub_dub.homestead.com/files/mainpage.htm
How did you find me?: Lissa's Page
Cool site...come visit my cool site! Includes *zine *chat *and more! much more! Thanks so much! Keeep up the hard work!

Karen (kapitt) - 06/17/00 03:03:40
My URL:http://www.geocites.com/kapitt52
My Email:kapitt@usa.net
How did you find me?: i searched high and low for your web site!
I keep losing contact with you. Please authorize me on icq.

Mick Helfrich - 06/06/00 11:15:18
My URL:http://home.flash.net/~mick5/
My Email:mick5@flash.net
Your Favorite web site: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/hawking/html/home.html
How did you find me?: www.alumni.net
I don't remember you being computer-savvy in high school... Great job on the web page(s)...

kayli - 03/06/00 19:54:42
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/MSNGamingZone/kayli_drue/
My Email:imkayli@hotmail.com
Your Favorite web site: www.askjeeves.com - http://www.askjeeves.com/
How did you find me?: looking-up-my-'lil-sis's-name-kimber
our kimber was born 2-11-00 i'm 10 yrs old i really like your website.

Julie - 12/30/99 03:17:05
My Email:rjbrown@excelonline.com
Here's your test. Hope everything is working alright. I still love your site!!!

your mother - 11/28/99 00:14:25
My Email:ravenridge@bwn.net
Your Favorite web site: yours
How did you find me?: I gave birth to you
Hi sweetheart, you have a done a beautiful job with this site. Of course, I guess you take after your mother. LOL. Love to all, Mom and Tom

Quin McWhirter - 11/19/99 16:26:10
My URL:http://members.aol.com/quinmarti
My Email:quinm@hotmail.com
Your Favorite web site: Quin McWhirter's Homepage
How did you find me?: Guestbook



Tiff, congratulations on your sweet Kimber and on having such a creative homepage. Thanks for all you've shared. I enjoyed getting to meet you all and to learn about your lives. I'm from Houston (raised in west Texas) nd always love to see pages created by fellow Texans. My wife is from Colorado and we will probably move there soon for at least a few months each year. Hope you will come visit.


Michelle and Colin - 10/14/99 03:44:19
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma2/colinpatrick/index.html
My Email:michel9673@aol.com
Your Favorite web site: umm ... Mine!
How did you find me?: you..silly.
I can't not believe I have never signed your guestbook yet. Is this true? If it is I feel so guilty. Better late than never I guess. I've looked at this page so many times. I love it! Kimber and Britny are the sweetest little girls, and their mommy is the best person I have ever came to know. We wish you all the best and keep you in our thoughts and prayers daily. Love, Michelle and Colin :)

From all of us at The Garden House - 10/12/99 17:37:04
HAPPY BIRTHDAY APHREAL !!! October 12,1999

Judy ( aka Lady Nickitta ) - 10/12/99 12:37:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/6400/MyRoseGarden/Entrance.html
My Email:MistyLakez@aol.com
Your Favorite web site: Mine!!! ::: Laffin' :::
How did you find me?: LOTH Birthday Page
Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat site, Sis!!! :::Smilin'::: I really enjoyed my lil visit to your "home". . . keep it up!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

~ Judy ~ ( aka Lady Nickitta ) LOTH Goodwill Ambassador

Patty - 10/11/99 12:58:27
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~pattydw/index.htm
How did you find me?: LOTH Birthday Page
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday ! I very much enjoyed my visit to your website ... thanks for sharing :) Patty

Sharon Thomas - 08/27/99 01:01:57
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/joybeams/index.html
Your Favorite web site: I really don't have one, unless it's my daughters. That's StrayBeads. There's a link on my page if you want to see her beautiful designs.
How did you find me?: Roses of Sharon members list
I see you still have the "delicate petals" on your page. I'm curious about that. Wonder if I could get some old-timer to write a history for the group. I've only been in ROS since June. I'm guessing that you don't have much time for "the net" after ha ing a second beautiful baby.

Teresia - 08/22/99 19:45:36
God Bless You. you have been visited by Teresia Rose Of Sharon select committie member.

Kelly - 07/30/99 02:55:50
My URL:http://get.to/thejoneses
My Email:jojo_blak_98@yahoo.com
Your Favorite web site: www.altavista.com
How did you find me?: Heartland Select
Just visited your page...its great! I'm from Tx too, and also listed with Heartland Select. Come visit sometime!

Jody - 07/19/99 17:24:15
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/arianasmommy
My Email:arianasmommy@ivillage.com
Your Favorite web site: http://www.parentsplace.com
How did you find me?: Cloud 99 webring
Your page looks great! :-) Give Kimber a big baby hug from Ariana! See you on the bb!

Brandi - 07/18/99 17:04:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Rodeo/8626
My Email:txchick77@geocities.com
Your Favorite web site: Too many to choose
How did you find me?: KIMBER PICS!!!! :-)
Hey Tiff....Page looks great. Can't wait for more pics of you, AJ and the girls!!! ~hugs~

Granny - 04/12/99 14:02:45
My Email:bvanek@swbell.net
What a cute site!

Karen & Conner - 04/12/99 03:46:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ia/connerethan/index.html
My Email:babygirl@jdv.net
Your Favorite web site: mine of course
How did you find me?: from you!!!!
I love you page!! Well done!!!! Britny and Kimber are beautiful!!! and so are you !!!!:))))){{{{HUGS}}}}}

Julie (dtjb) - 04/02/99 18:20:34
My URL:http://homestead.com/rjbrown/index.html
My Email:rjbrown@excelonline.com
this is way cool!! You have a wonderful family.

chris taylor - 03/21/99 12:18:36
My Email:kmstay1@zoomnet.net
Your Favorite web site: This website
How did you find me?: i just did
You are so wonderful. It makes me cry with happyness to think you have such a great family. please send me some email i would love to hear from you.

josh - 03/21/99 12:13:19
My URL:http://msn.com
My Email:wcwfan13@yahoo.com
Your Favorite web site: The armeggedon of wrestling WCWvs.WWF
How did you find me?: I was surfing and i found u
I though it was kinda cute.

Denise (jessesmama) - 03/11/99 03:32:35
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/jessesmama
My Email:selcrutia@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: cloud 99ers!
What a great page, and you have a beautiful family!

Gayla - 03/05/99 19:47:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/MyLilGirl/index.html
My Email:RuzasMom@aol.com
Your Favorite web site: parent soup
How did you find me?: linked from another guest book
What a handsom family you have. Those little girls are adorable and look like they will capture many a mans heart when they get older. Congrats on the newest edition.

Deena (lifesaride) - 03/02/99 04:44:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/3877/lifesaride.htm
My Email:lifesaride@netzero.net
Your Favorite web site: parentsplace.com
How did you find me?: Jan Cloud 99ers
What a nice web site and a great looking family. Thank You for the award, I shall display it w/ pride. Take care. {{{Baby Hugs All Around}}} See you around the playgroup.

Matt - 02/25/99 07:52:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/2573/
My Email:drouindragon@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Surfed on in
You have the same name as my goddess!

Adrianne - 02/17/99 04:57:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/MyCoverGirl
My Email:MyCoverGirl@webtv.net
How did you find me?: through viewing another page
Lovely homepage I also have a 4 year old Brittany my little angel ~ kids say the cutest things ~ I noticed you have a link to help find Sabrina on your page ~ I have been spreading her picture around also ~ Smiles to you ~ Adrianne

- 02/15/99 02:32:57
How did you find me?: i was looking for barbies for my little sister.
i think it is really cute!!

Marc Dube - 02/06/99 02:48:38
My Email:madube@hotmail.com
Your Favorite web site: this one
How did you find me?: search
love it, and is this realy britny spears? (WEB OWNER NOTE: of course not haha! My daughter Britny (not same spelling even) is six years old.)

jerry - 02/03/99 06:59:39
My Email:jc@blader.com
Your Favorite web site: ud hate it it is 2pac
How did you find me?: i was looking 4 brittny spears but it gave me ur site
Wow little kid ur really smart 4 being 4 when i was 4 i didnt no what a comuter was. so dont mess up ur life u got a good start

AJA - 01/24/99 03:06:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/park/4679
My Email:blessedbyyou@yahoo.com
You site has been visited for the ROS Select Award

Mary Sue Hicks - 01/02/99 14:34:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wellesley/garden/3258
My Email:msh@sheltonbbs.com
How did you find me?: Rose of Sharon Member Page
Hello, I am a member of Rose of Sharon and trying to visit some of the member pages. I have really enjoyed my visit to your *home* and my husband chuckled at your hen pecking page! He agrees! I hope your 1999 is just GREAT!!! Angel Hugs to YOU!!

janicebaxter - 12/23/98 06:05:38
My Email:jbaxter@lexmark.com
Your Favorite web site: cloud 99'rs
loved your page!!!! great belly shot!!! loved the britny sayings!!! anita (5 in june) is a dear too she loves to tuck me in bed! when i'm crying from being hormonal she'll pat me an the arm or hug me and tell me that it will be o.k. wish we were on the same time schedule !!! jance

Jodie Markowski (jodie99) - 12/22/98 20:24:49
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/jodie99
My Email:ravester@pottsville.infi.net
How did you find me?: from the Jan Parents Place BB
Tiff....SUCH a NEAT site!!! WOW is all I have to say. I'm soooo impressed. No wonder you won so many awards!! :-) Good luck with the baby..keep us updated!!!

Chrissie - 12/13/98 22:27:26
My URL:http://members.delphi.com/GrandAngel
My Email:GrandA36@aol.com
Your Favorite web site: Christian Pages
How did you find me?: ROS
I just love your graphics!!! ~Ä~

Annette - 12/09/98 15:53:32
My URL:http://members.aol.com/bberrycrk/bcj.html
My Email:bberrycrk@aol.com
Your Favorite web site: Many
How did you find me?: link
I am enjoying my visit to your lovely pages. I am originally from Texas. It is a wonderful state. Take care, Annette

SHERLI - 11/13/98 00:18:48
How did you find me?: SENT BY FRIEND

Maiden Fair - 11/04/98 16:12:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5601
My Email:flutterby_two@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: Roses of Sharon
Hi Roses of Sharon sister, I love your Quotes page - it is great, gave me a lift today. I stopped in to say HI and enjoy your home on the web.

Karen - 10/22/98 03:37:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/1477
My Email:kapitt@usa.net
Where have you been? I've ICQ you several times. Just wondering how you were doing.

Francine - 10/14/98 09:00:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/5788/
My Email:francinesf@hotmail.com
Your Favorite web site: Kelsey and Karley's Korner
How did you find me?: Just surfed on in
You have a very nice page.I really enjoyed visiting it.

Sylvia - 10/10/98 03:25:34
My Email:suvie@geocities.com
God bless you.

Marion Elliott - 10/09/98 18:57:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/3880
My Email:melliott@bellsouth.net
Your Favorite web site: http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/2807
How did you find me?: LOTH Birthday page.
Hope you have a birthday as great as I just had,and will have as many as I. (72) Enjoy and please visit me when the excitement slows down... Lots of great big GEORGIA hugs, from your LOTH sis, Great grandma Marion

10/02/98 11:52:24
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Aeriell - 09/24/98 20:37:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~chance98/Aeriell/
My Email:Aeriell@writeme.com
Your Favorite web site: Pooh Sticks
How did you find me?: a link from someone's site
You have a nice site!

Lucy Di Génova - 09/08/98 00:54:06
My Email:aldg8@hotmail.com
Your Favorite web site: a lot of
How did you find me?: Ladyhawk
Hi!! I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina, i loved your page is so sweet. I love Jude Deveraux too and mexican food is one of my favorites reasons to go to the United States, because here in my contry is no so easy to find it. I'm librarian and i'm working in a school at this moment. Kisses to your family Lucy

Becci McClain - 08/08/98 22:37:10
My URL:http://www.hal-pc.org/~waltmc
My Email:wldrosie@hotmail.com
Your Favorite web site: There are so many!!!!
How did you find me?: Boo-Cat's
What a delightful visit! I loved the saying of your daughter...giggling and ahhh'ing back here all by myself. Oh well, hubby can wonder why! Thanks for an enjoyable time.

Jesse B. - 07/19/98 18:52:10
My Email:Highoutput@hotmail.co
Your Favorite web site: toolshed.com
How did you find me?: maine page
cool page....

Mike and Debbie Brown - 07/16/98 12:50:41
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~browntwo/
My Email:browntwo@earthlink.net
Your Favorite web site: The Brown Pages
How did you find me?: Link at Boocat's House
I love surfin sites like this... They load quick and are visually pleasing... You did a great job and have some nice graphics... I even took a wallpaper for possible use in the future... Thanks... MB

Simon (aka The Saint) - 06/21/98 23:52:50
My URL:http://www.allsaints.force9.co.uk
My Email:BD4G@allsaintss.force9.co.uk
Your Favorite web site: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/6576
How did you find me?: Peggy Rains mailing
Do you mind if a feller also prays for you? - where two or three are gathered and all that good stuff... Love you lots - gallstones and all - they will go! nice baby, Sweetpea... P.S. Fav website - watch out , I'm biased!

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