
Welcome to Gramma's World

"I Am An American"

"I Am An American"- Stirring pregame flag-raising ritual at Purdue's Ross-Ade Stadium prior to kickoff since 1966, read over the field P.A.

"I am an American." That's the way most of us put it, just matter of factly. They are plain words, those four: you could write them on your thumbnail, or sweep them across this bright autumn sky. But remember too, that they are more than just words. They are a way of life. So whenever you speak them, speak them firmly, speak them proudly, speak them gratefully. "I am an American."


I am a wife, mother, grandmother. One of my passions is participating in Lake County Extension Homemakers, sponsored by Lake County Cooperative Extension Office . All states have some version of Homemakers sponsored by their land grant college. Just call your local County Cooperative Extension Office. The rewards are great.Purdue ACN has graciously allowed me to use some of their graphics, such as the two above.


Some time ago my son gave me this computer to be able to e-mail all of my family, scattered across the United States. I soon expanded my horizons and became net lady to my family. E-mail isn't fast enough for us now. We are now connecting via AIM and go into our private chat room for family conferernces. The information available still astounds me. As a former librarian, books were the answer to research. But now I hit the net first at any time of day or night. But the net isn't the only fascinating thing about this computer. I have been learning about my Print Shop programs. I have mastered card making, label making, and have made many other projects. I am currently learning my Master Cook and hope to have several cookbooks of family favorites ready to print out soon for the family. I'm afraid this is a lost cause, there just aren't enough hours in the day. But I keep working on it.

My latest project is my new scanner. I'm having fun scanning photos for use on the web and sending to friends.I also use it a lot in preparing my auctions, I scan lots of items for sale.

NOW I'm into my digital camera and printing out my pics.

A few years ago PAX-TV had a show on collectibles-- Treasures in Your Home, with their own web site and chat rooms. The show is now off the air, but the chat room and message boards continue on at The Collecting Channel I still "talk" to my friends there and they have encouraged me and I have now put things online for sale at Yahoo auctions. I've been at it for over a year now. I'm not getting rich, but I AM getting rid of things.

View My Auctions

Not only do I sell at Yahoo, I've discovered buying at Yahoo and e-bay. I am a thimble collector and have been having fun buying, selling, and trading thimbles. I have joined an online Thimble Club. Yahoo Thimble Club They have been very helpful in expanding my collection and depleting my wallet.


Now there is more to fill my time. I have discovered genealogy. I have installed my Family Tree Maker, and am searching diligently online for my roots. And exchanging files with a cousin via e-mail. And adding to my ever expanding e-mail with all sorts of lists from Rootsweb

Cyndi's List

US Gen Web

Family Tree Maker's Family Finder Index


Now I didn't mean to mislead you earlier. I still read, that is a habit long instilled in me. Currently I enjoy mysteries. They are usually a quick read for me. I read for pleasure and don't necessarily want to be bogged down in a long, involved book. I devour the latest Tom Clancey and John Grisham books when they come out. Another author that I recently found is Susan Wittig Albert, her China Bayles Mysteries are quite good. But then I am interested in herbs. I have recently discovered Diane Mott Davidson and her Culinary Mystery series. Anyone get the idea I like mysteries and cooking?

Some good sources of book sites on the net are:




About 10 years ago I was given an Automatic Bread Machine for Christmas. That changed our lives forever. I haven’t bought bread in that time. I’ve worn out that machine and since purchased another. There is so much information out on the net about the ABM. Several of my favorite sites are:

Village Bakery


Bread Machine Magic

I even moderate a bread discussion group within Seniornet: AS THE KNEAD RISES. There are many more good recipe sites,bread digests, and weekly chats; go surfing for them if ABM baking is your passion.

Since I loved the dill breads we decided to add dill and a few other herbs to our garden. Well now it has grown so that my husband and I are both trying to find room for veggies and herbs. Since we managed to overwinter the bay last year, this year we brought in three rosemarys that I kept going with light for 14 hours and daily mistings,I water them once a week, letting the soil get fairly dry. This did succeed for a third winter.
The garden is slow and some had to be replanted. We will have to see what it does.

I have found many good gardening and herb sites :

My Garden

A Modern Herbal

Whole Herb

Seniornet has a good herbal discussion which I lead: World of Herbs .


I guess at this point I should invite you over to look around Seniornet. You don't have to be a senior citizen to participate in the Roundtables . There are all kinds of discussion areas going on in this bulletin board format of chatting. They include domestic arts, travel, and a fantastic book discussion.
There I have met many interesting friends and have had many good luncheons talking away the afternoon.


Do come back and visit as this is an ongoing project with me.

Last updated 02-10-03

for questions or comments, mail to: gramma


To show you how totally cyber I have become, here's how I send cards to friends online.

Postcard Of The Day
Send This!

Or Send a different Posty


I'm a graphics net hunter. The graphics on my page come from various places on the net.


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