Thank you for signing Clayton's Guestbook and leaving your
My heart goes out to you. I lost my baby brother in a car accident December 3, 1995. He was only 24 years old. I wish that my family and I had the opportunity to share in the joy of meeting people who lived on due to receiving an organ from my brother.
We weren't given the opportunity. The car upon impact exploded, leaving little or nothing. I know that you are very proud of your son.
God bless you.
Ann, Nelson, and James The website is a beautiful tribute. Clayton touched many lives.
As a little boy he was special in our hearts - remembering many times him playing in the backyard.
May God continue to heal and be with your family and the many other families involved in this wall. Love and prayers. Jean
ann and nelson,
mom sent me this address and i came to visit a young boy i remember barely a few feet high
i am sorry for your loss and touched by the beautiful words of clayton's friends
my love to you,
cord sellers
Ann,Once again I come to visit Clayton's site..I know this is an incredibly difficult month for you.You are in my thoughts and prayers,and hopefully this month will go by fast for,Lisa
You have created a beauitful site in memory of your precious Clayton. My heart goes out to you, as I know the pain of losing your child.
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Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook
You don't know who I am, my name is Daisy. I was told about this wonderful site "Donor Moms" from a friend of mine that I met on Her name is Lisa Wier. I Just wanted to tell you your child is so precious, and that I understand what i
's like to lose a child. My Buster was only 21 when he died in a car accident, he would of been an organ donor too but because he did not die in a hospital they wouldn't allow him to. I want you to know you are in my thoughts and in my prayers. Togethe
, it's not as hard as alone.
I am a native of Scottdale, PA and another Sechrist descendant. My son, Michael Clinton Hanlon also died in an auto accident in 1985. I think of him in Heaven (read Revelation 12:7) He was a WWII history buff (12/7/41 Pearl Harbor bombed) He was also a
odel railroader and writer: His words--"The fact of my worth was established at birth, at the time I was born to be me." Perhaps he and Clayton have found each other! God bless you all.....LaVonne
What a wonderful tribute to your son, I am so sorry for your loss of Clayton. He sounds like he touched so many lives in his lifetime and in death, he continues to touch lives. Thank you so much for sharing Clayton with all of us.
I was so moved, reading about Clayton and his art spirit. His was to teach many the wonders and beauty of life. My heart aches for you, I know you miss him so. My Aaron, who shares this Donor Moms webpage with Clayton, is in very good company, and they
now do there work from afar. Bless you, Christine.
Your Clayton sounds like a fine young man and a wonderful son. You have done a great job with his page. My wife, Lil, received a kidney from Holly Lea Nelson, who's page is also linked from the Donor Moms page, and as a recipient family, we are forever
rateful and have the greatest love and respect for donor families. Our hearts and our prayers are with you. May God bless you and yours. Dave and Lil
Your Clayton sounds like a fine young man and a wonderful son. You have done a great job with his page. My wife, Lil, received a kidney from Holly Lea Nelson, who's page is also linked from the Donor Moms page, and as a recipient family, we are forever
rateful and have the greatest love and respect for donor families. Our hearts and our prayers are with you. May God bless you and yours. Dave and Lil
Ann, your website for Clayton is wonderful. I enjoyed getting to him a little bit. It does seem the world is less perfect without him. I joined your grief journey on August 21, 1997 when my youngest son, Justin died in an auto related accident. Justin
had also expressed his wishes to be an organ donor if he was ever involved in an accident. We followed through with his wishes. My heart and prayers are with you. May God bless you with some peace.
Dear Family, Thank you for your page about Clayton. I'm truly sorry for your loss. My boyfriend and best friend of over two years was killed in a car accident in August of 1998 and he too, donated his organs. what a great comfort for all of us to know
hat our loved ones live on in others. With great love and prayers, Betony
Dear Family, Thank you for your page about Clayton. I'm truly sorry for your loss. My boyfriend and best friend of over two years was killed in a car accident in August of 1998 and he too, donated his organs. what a great comfort for all of us to know
hat our loved ones live on in others. With great love and prayers, Betony
My sadness of hearing the news about Clayton passing.The contacts of the family Gale has eluded me for so many years. this should be resolved. The striking appearance of my father in Clayton took me back.
Clayton was abviously an extraordinary young man. I'm sorry I didn't know him. It is clear he will live in the hearts of many forever.
My heart goes out to you and your family as you have just passed your 3rd anniversary. I too just passed my 3rd anniv. and like your Clayton my scott was taken in an auto accident. He had signed to donate his organs, but was not able to do so.
I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard the journey is because, I too, lost a son in a single car accident in l987. Larry was 35 years old and left two children I am sure Clayton was-is a great boy. God bless.
I want all of you to know I am thinking of you today...birthdays are tough...and I know we wish they were here with us...but they are...they are in our hearts. Thanks for sharing Clayton...I am so glad I have gotten to know him and you guys. I know beca
se of our bond we will be there for each other until the you guys. Jayne
We remember Clayton as a young boy living across the street, my son Matt's best friend. I think of him and the Sechrist family often as I watch their old home and regret that we are unable to see him reach adulthood. Memories do last forever.
The Lord bless you
and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.
What a moving tribute to Clayton. Thanks you for sharing his story. Hopefully pages like yours will increase the awareness of the need for Organ donations. God Bless you and your family,
Laura (Casey's Mom)
The Compassionate Friends Wall and write-
up on Clayton Sechrist is well done...beautiful.
My son, Michael went to school with Clayton.
They were friends...they still are and always
will be. Clayton, you will always be in the
Capasso Familys' hearts. We know that you
are in Heaven with God. We hope to see
you again someday...all of us. Until then,
May God hold you and bless you. Love,
Capasso Family.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Just viewing the picture of Clayton, I feel for sure we are cousins. His nose, eyes and forehead are that of my grandfather Willard Rollis Sechrist.
I am so sorry to here about you Loss.
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Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
I am sorry for the loss of you son Clayton. I know you must miss him very much. I pray God will give you strength every day.
My son, Christopher, was killed in 1996 also (Aug. 10) in an auto crash, as a passenger. I know too well the pain you carry. May our Lord bless you and your family. I enjoyed reading about your precious son.
.Please feel free to add your beloved here
..My prayers are with you all. We will never forget our boys. Flo
The words about Clayton's life and spirit are so beautiful.
Dear Ann, Thank you for sharing your dear son, Clayton with me. I am so sorry for the pain your heart is in. Clayton sounds so very special and caring to donate his organs at such a young age to help so many others. You must be a very proud of him. M
y God comfort your heart and bring peace within your soul. My deepest sympathy to all whose life this precious child has touched. Jan
Ann, Clayton was such a wonderful young man that I have come to know through you. I know he is greatly loved and missed by all who knew him.
Dearest Grieving Mom,
Your son was a very special person. My heart goes out to you as I lost my son to a murder two months ago. I wonder how life goes on when we loose our pride and joy.
My heart aches for you.
This is a beautiful tribute to a special boy with a special mother.
Ann, thank you for the privilege of getting to know your son. Barbara/TCF/Gwinnett
Ann,Nelson & James,
What a great page. You are so lucky to have
such great tibutes to Clayton from teachers and
friends. These are the things we now have to
hold on to. along with the memories of our children taken to soon. Will we ever understand , Why? I don't think so , but with the hugs and understanding of our TCF family we will Survive.
Remember "A life that touches the hearts of others goes on forever".and Clayton's touched
many. How about putting some of his art work
up here. Hugs to you, Kathy
Clayton, you were indeed a very precious and special person to have touched so many lives in your brief time with us as is evident in the tributes written by those who knew and loved you. The fact that you also blessed so many others through organ donati
n is a final tribute to your caring and loving spirit. We will try to make that spirit a part of love, care and give of ourselves.
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