Sir Knights,
Your response to the St. Jude statute program is very overwhelming. I'm so proud to be a member of the Christopher Columbus Assembly. Sir Knight Paul Landry a thank-you for presenting the idea and for accepting the chairmanship of the St. Jude program. Any Sir Knight who would like information or would like to help, please call Sir Knight Paul Landry.
The next Fourth Degree Exemplification will be held on Saturday, June 6th at the Warner Center Marriott in Woodland Hills, CA (San Fernando Valley). The room rate will be $69.00 per night plus tax. More information will be made available in a future edition of the Compass. Please start working on your recruits for that weekend.
God Bless You and Your Families, I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
An angel of the Lord said to the shepherds, "Today in the city of David a Savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord . . . And suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and singing: Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace to those on whom his favor rest." (Luke 2:10,14)
This was the first "Merry Christmas" ever wished on Earth and for 2,000 years we have wished each other the peace of Christmas. We play the angel of the Lord to one another, we pray that the favor of God may rest on us all. When we say it with faith God is capable of granting us our wish.
Let us turn this merely annual courteous greeting into a prayer of faith for God is faithful to his promises. The angels' song was a message of God's promise of peace, let us dispose ourselves to receive it. And may God's favor on you this Christmas.
At the last officers' meeting it was brought up and discussed on how to administer the St. Jude Statute Program. In the councils that the assembly serves there are about 1,300 members. I have asked for help and as usual no volunteers. That being the case I'm going to propose to the Faithful Navigator that the St. Jude Statute Program be for the Fourth Degree only.
If any council would wish to start the same program I will be more than glad to assist in any way I can.
Feb 01 - CALL OUT - Cub Scout "Blue & Gold" Mass/Luncheon, St. Christopher (W Covina), 11:30am
Feb 28 - Black & White Ball (Location/time to be announced)