Ralph A. Castro, Sr. - Faithful Navigator

Sir Knights,

The Exemplification this past October 25, 1997 was really great. Our Worthy Master had some excellent committeemen behind him. We had 262 candidates which is an extremely large class. All went well including the Ladies Luncheon and the dinner/dance. The speeches at the banquet were inspirational and Fr. Parrish spoke with his usual great sense of humor. The Exemplification was in honor of Nester Barber PSD, Supreme Director. He gave a stimulating speech on his visit to the new monuments in Washington, DC which honor our deceased brothers and sisters of the Korean and Vietnam wars. It truly was an excellent narration.

Our Color Corps team lead by Color Corps Commander, James F. Baker, Jr., made us proud for a brand new Assembly to get out there and compete against some of the more established assemblies. I truly believe that we were not far behind. Great work Sir Knights! We will be there in June '98.

As for the Hospitality Room, this I'm sure we were among the best. What Fraternalism, what Unity, and plenty of Charity was shown by the triangle of Patriots comprised of the Father Felix J. Penna Assembly, the Saint Jude Assembly, and the Christopher Columbus Assembly. All of the Faithful Navigators and Faithful Comptrollers were pleased with the Patriots triangle. They will go back to their assemblies and recommend to their Sir Knights to unite again in June.

We want to thank our Ladies who are also a part of the Ladies of Columbus (Our Lady of the Snows Council) for their great help with the food in the Hospitality Room. You Ladies made the difference. Thank you very very very very much to Lady Dana Hays, Lady Shirley Baker, Lady Barbara Harding and Lady Maddy Castro. You made us look good.

Our next meeting will be on November 10, 1997. Please bring your wives and family members to our Memorial Mass in honor of our deceased Sir Knights.

James F. Baker, Jr. PCS - Faithful Pilot and Color Corps Commander

Our Assembly is doing well with our Color Corps. We didn't place at the Exemplification, but we did show. Our presentation was complete and we received a lot of compliments. We WILL win next time ... I KNOW!

I would like to express my thanks to everyone on the team, including the extras, as well as the members who showed up for support.

The Drill Competition Team
Members of the Christopher Columbus Assembly Drill Competition Team at the Exemplification in San Diego, CA on October 25, 1997. Pictured (L-R): SK Gilbert Gonzales, SK Nap Taylan, SK Don Gacevich, SK Ralph Castro, SK Larry Stewart, SK Jim Baker Jr., and SK Leo Nicholson.

Exemplified at San Diego, CA - October 25, 1997

Sir Knight Daniel J. Pasek, Our Lady Queen of the Foothills Council #11612
Sir Knight Samuel Martinez, Our Lady Queen of the Foothills Council #11612
Sir Knight Robert D. Byrne, Father Thomas Lyons Council #5696
Sir Knight Mark D. Correa, Father Maguire Council #3851
Sir Knight Tony L. Diaz, Manresa Council #3522
Sir Knight Peter Manansala, Bishop Comboni Council #5650
Sir Knight Adam R. Trevino, Father Maguire Council #3851
Sir Knight Edwardo Zuniga, Monrovia Council #1242

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